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Thread: Things that still need to be done with zmod.

  1. Default Things that still need to be done with zmod.

    zero im glad you've updated the zmod but theres still some badly needed things to be done.

    1.give us a mute players feature, your votemute system doesn't help at all, we NEED THIS ASAP.

    2. set some sort of preference like you do with the zombie classes to shut off these inch and a half zombie vains, i've got litteraly no peripheral vision as a zombie with these on.

    3. give us a way to just shut off the music, ie something along the way of the zombie class selection, like a !music: background music on/off, the hl2 music is getting redundant and really doesn't suit the zmod anyways.

    4.get rid of the parachutes for the zombies, atleast for the jumpers, or at the very least increase the kickback when the zombies have there parachutes activated, sure they fly backwards when you shoot them, but they dont move at all if your shooting upwards at them.

    and please dont add anymore clastrophobic maps, I got lost in one the other day.

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    I don't get what manbearpigs pic is suppose to mean lol.

  5. Default

    Its not supposed to mean anything. I just found the picture and thought it was cool as hell. Posting it means ill know where it is when i want to find it again.

  6. Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBearPig <ibis> View Post
    Its not supposed to mean anything. I just found the picture and thought it was cool as hell. Posting it means ill know where it is when i want to find it again.
    I thought it was a good analogy..
    Last edited by deprodigy; 03-17-2009 at 10:23 PM. Reason: lol

  7. Default

    to me it looks like a silencer for a tank lol. but after reading it I do get what manbearpigs means by that haha

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    nicley said kavinsky. We need new maps though.

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    there are 2 new maps I know of holy, that base map and shoot that one map with the zombies in the glass containers.

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    the map I mentioned is this gigantic dark (everything seemed to be dark brown) map that was just corridor after corridor which gave you no indication where you where you were supposed to go or where you were supposed to cade.

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