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Thread: Zombie Tag

  1. Default Zombie Tag

    Hey Zero I was wondering if we can make it part of the rules in ZM, that if your in either a tube or a cade with only one way in or out, that if you get turned to a zombie you have to turn around and tag the people behind you. I've noticed lately that people have been doing that to avoid tagging people in the cade and making the zombies work harder for that tag. it gets frustrating real quick and since its not in the rules I can't really punish anyone for doing that.

    something like this:

    -If any human is in a hollowed out circular tube with only one entrance and said entrance is also the only exit. Than when the closet human is tagged by a zombie, that same human must turn around and tag the next human in said hollowed out circular tube.

    -If any human is in a barricade, with only one entrance and said entrance is also the only exit. Than any human turned to a zombie inside said room must start tagging remain humans inside said room.

    -Any zombie that uses the command !ztele, !stuck, !teleport to remove himself or herself from the said hollowed out circular tube or barricade, will be subjected to punishment by an admin by any means necessary.

    also on escape maps I think there should be a time delay of when the zombie spawns before he can move, like at the beginning of the map, a freeze time. That way it gives the humans a fair chance of making it to a decent point in the map with out everyone being turned before the mid-point of a map.

  2. Default

    Yes, this shall be a rule, give me some time to figure a proper way of phrasing it and then I will update the official rules.

  3. Default

    blocking is one thing but not turning around and tagging your cade buddy is a matter of professional courtesy as far as I am concerned. If I am in that situation and I get tagged, I ztele out and let my buddy duke it out. If i catch anyone blocking in tubes for their friends after they get tagged then they get a kick.

    how detailed do you want to get with the rules?

    Admins should be in game and monitoring this type of behavior and fixing it quickly.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ricochet View Post
    blocking is one thing but not turning around and tagging your cade buddy is a matter of professional courtesy as far as I am concerned. If I am in that situation and I get tagged, I ztele out and let my buddy duke it out. If i catch anyone blocking in tubes for their friends after they get tagged then they get a kick.

    how detailed do you want to get with the rules?

    Admins should be in game and monitoring this type of behavior and fixing it quickly.
    I agree with the blocking but if the zombies spent about 2 minutes trying to get in that cade and finally tag someone, only to have that person ztele out is quite the let down of all that hard work. I would say that should only happen when the first zombie turns. but it there are already 8 zombies and you get tagged but ztele out instead of turning around and tagging the remains humans that should be wrong as well.

  5. Default

    I don't think this should be a rule. People are stupid, and do stupid things like getting too close to the window, they at least have the decency to ztele out when they make the mistake, without them in there they wouldn't have been tagged to kill us anyways. You don't usually get to choose who you barricade with, so it is inevitable when one of them get tagged because they don't know exactly what they're doing. Most the time they'll just mess everything up, but I think its rather kind of them when they ztele out after making a mistake, or when they turn into the first zombie.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  6. Default

    i say when you get tagged, spread the love.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by yours' truely View Post
    i say when you get tagged, spread the love.

  8. Default

    In the tubes zombies should be punished if they block other zombies, but using ztele to get out of that room/tube sounds very fair. If a human was tagged with the cade still up it was luck or he was stupid, and one stupid person shouldt bring the room down.

  9. Default

    i think i rather i have the retard ban hammered for not coming out or zteleing out

  10. Default

    whoa whoa whoa....

    you want to ban people because a zombie tagged them while he was in your 'cade?

    where's the fun in that. Why punish people for learning the game? Sure, almost all of the 'veterns' dont' get tagged for silly stuff like that, but we all gotta start somewhere. don't get ultra-super-extreme-a-mondo upset for the newbs making newb mistakes, that's what makes it fun. Not knowing if the stranger in the room is going to mess up your entire 45-sec 'cade setup with a misstep while making sure the 'cade is in tact and keeping the zombies out.

    if you wanna start banning and punishing people for making newb mistakes then i can assure you I will probally get banned soon, i'm a huge nub and i make lots of mistakes.

    but if so many people agree with this, then maybe makeing it so all new zombies get ported back to a spawn point when tagged will help.
    Last edited by yours' truely; 08-20-2009 at 07:53 PM. Reason: removed a bit of spiteful phrasing

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