i was in the server under a diff name and i saw this go down sorta, first of all IKE had a good reason to ban him and he beat me to it almost. but im not very fond of perm ban without demo. but who cares i jsut did it to koolayed on the zm server. reason being u should of been banned and dont come here and say he banned you for no reason jsut ask to be unbanned in a shorter time the perm dont denigh what u know happened that jsut shoots ur self deeper man.
Serve ban, and don't disrespect people who try to keep the server strait .
when im gonna be unbanned?
It's ok, I was banned 3 times in the last 24 hours for how my voice sounded.
I've bled 4 pints of blood from the cutting that I proceeded to do after the fact.
okay bro
Somone unban meeeee cmon!!!!!!!!! Why i gotta suffer cuz of some retard bannin me for no reason!!!!