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Thread: This is Why Duck Sucks

  1. Default This is Why Duke Sucks

    I just stumbled across an old time favorite of mine while procrastinating on finishing my report that's due in 4 hours... I figured I'd share. (Yes I know its old but since it's March Madness... and you even suck at rape). Plus its a UMD kid so yea...

    And another good video. The latest edition of College Humor's "Prank Wars". Happened a few weeks ago here at UMD.
    Last edited by Hodgie; 03-30-2009 at 08:34 AM. Reason: j

  2. Default

    hodige you might wanna check your spelling, I'm sure you meant to write "this is why duke sucks"??? this is the only thing I will agree with you on, but as for everything else, The GG server blows!!!!!

  3. Default

    Yea, I tried changing it after I made the post, but you can't edit the title of the thread. And considering the fact that I've been up for a lil over 30 hours.... I really don't care.

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