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Thread: Somewhat racist

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    ZM is dieing, I dont even bother to play it. The other servers are still thriving just a little bit.
    In-Game name: †Jesus†

  2. Default

    I don't think ZM is dying completely. This is the best server by far for ZM. The problem I have with it is that we play the same maps over and over again and everything is still the same. There's never anything new. It would be nice to have different chat colors for different users (admins, clan, owner, whatever else you want), different skins for humans, whatever else you can think of. We need to bring some more excitement into the server. I'm hoping that ZERO does something about this when he comes back/is available to do these changes so the server can be revitalized. And the ZE/ZM server isn't working. They need to be split as well. And don't come with the bullshit statement saying, "The server is already dead. Splitting it will kill it completely" when anex just stated that the server is most popular when the server is on a ZE map. There's also factual proof so please don't bullshit me. I'm just trying to give some constrictive feedback so the server could become popular.

    Hopefully when ZERO reads this in his spare time he actually listens. He needs to stop letting this go from one ear to the other and instead just give this a try. There's a reason why people are leaving and why the server is less popular now. We seriously need to catch up. And yes I understand this place likes to be old school, but come on... If we keep the server(s) like this, something will happen sooner than later...

    Again, I'm not down talking the server, I'm just trying to give my two cents and see if something can be done.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    I don't think ZM is dying completely. This is the best server by far for ZM. The problem I have with it is that we play the same maps over and over again and everything is still the same. There's never anything new. It would be nice to have different chat colors for different users (admins, clan, owner, whatever else you want), different skins for humans, whatever else you can think of. We need to bring some more excitement into the server. I'm hoping that ZERO does something about this when he comes back/is available to do these changes so the server can be revitalized. And the ZE/ZM server isn't working. They need to be split as well. And don't come with the bullshit statement saying, "The server is already dead. Splitting it will kill it completely" when anex just stated that the server is most popular when the server is on a ZE map. There's also factual proof so please don't bullshit me. I'm just trying to give some constrictive feedback so the server could become popular.

    Hopefully when ZERO reads this in his spare time he actually listens. He needs to stop letting this go from one ear to the other and instead just give this a try. There's a reason why people are leaving and why the server is less popular now. We seriously need to catch up. And yes I understand this place likes to be old school, but come on... If we keep the server(s) like this, something will happen sooner than later...

    Again, I'm not down talking the server, I'm just trying to give my two cents and see if something can be done.
    99% of all ZM maps that have ever been created are just terrible, slapped-together pieces of garbage. We play the same maps over and over because they're the few gems floating around in a sea of shit. If anything, the server has too many maps, not too few. If it was up to me I'd go through the list and weed out the crap maps before I'd ever think about adding new ones. I'd also give serious consideration to simply removing the long, difficult tryhard maps that don't work like Mako, Skyrim, Westersand, Predator, etc. It would be a shame if we couldn't play Voodoo, Icecap, Moria, Rooftop, Sorrento and other fun, simple escape maps because they've been banished to a ZE-only server that might not get that much traffic. For all we know it could end up like the pub where the only time you can get a full game is if you get a bunch of people from the other IBIS servers to join for a while.

    As for chat colors and skins, that shit sucks. Sorry. GFL is a total madhouse these days because of this stuff. It makes the chat harder to read and tell who is human/zombie. It used to be a lot more playable there because there were only a few different human skins and they kept the stupid chat colors to a minimum. Now apparently it's anything goes, and it drives me crazy to spend a few minutes there.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sup View Post
    99% of all ZM maps that have ever been created are just terrible, slapped-together pieces of garbage. We play the same maps over and over because they're the few gems floating around in a sea of shit. If anything, the server has too many maps, not too few. If it was up to me I'd go through the list and weed out the crap maps before I'd ever think about adding new ones. I'd also give serious consideration to simply removing the long, difficult tryhard maps that don't work like Mako, Skyrim, Westersand, Predator, etc. It would be a shame if we couldn't play Voodoo, Icecap, Moria, Rooftop, Sorrento and other fun, simple escape maps because they've been banished to a ZE-only server that might not get that much traffic. For all we know it could end up like the pub where the only time you can get a full game is if you get a bunch of people from the other IBIS servers to join for a while.

    As for chat colors and skins, that shit sucks. Sorry. GFL is a total madhouse these days because of this stuff. It makes the chat harder to read and tell who is human/zombie. It used to be a lot more playable there because there were only a few different human skins and they kept the stupid chat colors to a minimum. Now apparently it's anything goes, and it drives me crazy to spend a few minutes there.
    I think I lose more IQ in GFL with all those ridiculous skins/chat colors than here in ibis ZM, that's saying something.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sup View Post
    I'd also give serious consideration to simply removing the long, difficult tryhard maps that don't work like Mako, Skyrim, Westersand, Predator, etc. It would be a shame if we couldn't play Voodoo, Icecap, Moria, Rooftop, Sorrento and other fun, simple escape maps because they've been banished to a ZE-only server that might not get that much traffic. For all we know it could end up like the pub where the only time you can get a full game is if you get a bunch of people from the other IBIS servers to join for a while.

    As for chat colors and skins, that shit sucks. Sorry. GFL is a total madhouse these days because of this stuff. It makes the chat harder to read and tell who is human/zombie. It used to be a lot more playable there because there were only a few different human skins and they kept the stupid chat colors to a minimum. Now apparently it's anything goes, and it drives me crazy to spend a few minutes there.
    We should keep it to a circle jerk of maps. Sorrento > Beach Strike > Legendary > Sorrento > Minature Room > Voodoo > Snoopie *Repeat* That will also help you guys get rank which also *fun fact* adds inches to your e-penis.

    I don't think we should get a ZE server. We don't have the community for it. Others servers have had their escape community for years. All we have is a bunch of bitch spotters who want to get their rank up. It would die. So best thing to do is get rid of all maps that are not in the circle jerk. Don't add anything in server and hope people donate to get reserved slot or buy admin. (My money is out btw)

    Lets see, GG/DM, WCS, and PUB isn't pulling anything in as they are almost dead/dead 99% of the time so it's up to GG and ZM to pull the slack. Ya, lets not add anything new to ZM otherwise it would be a "total madhouse". It's incentive. On plague fest if you donate you can jump slightly higher. You WANT people to donate and obviously they are good at getting people to donate because I sent them money after spending 30 minutes there. It's an investment and you want to see a return. We have seen nothing. You can say that "Oh it sucks and that's why Zero hasn't added it" but in truth it's neglect dude. This is all setup to do the minimum amount of work and keep the server rolling with change on the side. The server doesn't have to be a complete mad house but god damn there has been no return for the money we have given.

    Quote Originally Posted by RofLoLmao View Post
    I think I lose more IQ in GFL with all those ridiculous skins/chat colors than here in ibis ZM, that's saying something.
    Really? IBIS has to be the most incompetent zm/ze server out there. Not only does no one know how to actually build cades (unless it's provided for them) but almost all lack the basics of ze. Even when we do the dumb circle jerk escapes, how many door hug? They all do. No one defends and if it's a hard map (zm or ze) they rtv. Compared to IBIS, the dumb players on GFL and Plaguefest are pro.

    All this is saying is that a couple of skins and chat colors confuses the fuck out of you. Doesn't surprise me either.

  6. Default

    I can't believe i am saying this directly after a clan post, but this thread hasn't seen the topic in pages please close.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

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