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Thread: My admin

  1. Default My admin

    hey Zero, i know you're busy and that you've been on vacation recently, and i'm not compaining or anything. i just want to make sure everything was filled out properly and that whenever you get to it i'll get it. agian i know that you're busy i'm jsut looking forward to getting in there and doing some work.

  2. Default

    Yea, sorry about that. I had planed to be home tonight and have it activated but I ended up staying 2 extra days so that I could be home for my sisters birthday. It will be up this week so just hold in a bit longer

    Thanks again for your support

  3. Default

    oh ya, thats no problem at all. thank alot for the quick response.

  4. Default

    Hi Zero,

    Can I donate you $ for the ability to mute people.
    That's really all I want/need to do.


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