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Thread: Xellot?

  1. #1

    Default Xellot?

    Hey guys, it's me. Some of you will probably recognize me from the GG server; as I've been playing that regularly for about a month now. I don't really know what to say...I'm just your average 16 year old gamer that likes to play a good round of CSS. Thanks for the humble welcome to the IBIS community.


    Taylor "Xellot" Henderson

  2. Default

    Welcome, try not to get banned by me

  3. Default

    Why put your full name on a gaming site on the internet?

  4. #4


    'Cause that's exactly what it is, a gaming site, so it's not like anyone will come after me :P

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBearPig <ibis> View Post
    Why put your full name on a gaming site on the internet?
    If you'll also notice that he puts his town province and country too!!

    He's setting himself up for some serious identity theft o.O

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBearPig <ibis> View Post
    Why put your full name on a gaming site on the internet?
    He's Canadian

  7. Default

    There is sometimes a decent amount of hate between some people on these forums. I wouldn't put my shit on here out for anyone.

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