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Thread: Downscaling issue with steam

  1. Default Downscaling issue with steam

    So I was messing around with SSAA, or downscaling
    I am able to render the games at 1900p (going higher and my moniter through a fit)

    Anyways I am running into a problem with the scaling on steam and valve games, Does anyone know a fix (prob something as simple as increasing the font size of everythign would work) to this issue

    I could not get a good screenshot of what I am running into but here is a proximation(its a bit exagerated actually) by using print screen and using paint to downscale it to 1200p
    downscaling problem.pngdownscaling problem2.png

    Game looks and plays great, just wish I could read shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  2. Default

    Damn mass effect looks good, everything in it scaled beautifully.

    Still no solution for the ingame stuff with valve games though.
    Big picture helps with the steam overlay though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  3. Default

    Are you trying to set a resolution above your displays native resolution? That is what AA is for...

    Unless your having some strange driver related issue when usign AA which is what your talking about.

  4. Default

    Yes I am running at a resolution higher then my native display, thats what downscaling/SSAA is. It is a form of AA, the very best looking one, just it cost the most.,2868-2.html
    Not like CSS cares I still run the game at 200-300 fps @ 1900p with the whatever that 16xAA option was.

    I cant get good screenshot to show my issue because it takes a screenshot of the draw, not what is on the actual screen. So any screenshot I take is 1900p and has not been downscaled.

    If you want to mess around with it here is a short guide

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  5. Default

    Yea but any AA setting should not be actually changing your resolution. Your card should still be outputting the native resolution to your display. Sending one that is higher to the display will cause the displays built in scalar to fix the image and dramatically shit on the quality vs if you had the gpu doing the downsize. In addition it would also result in increased input lag for the display.

  6. Default

    Zero... Its super sampling, thats how its done. This isnt some fuzzy algorithm.
    It is drawing the the scene at a higher resolution then the monitor. 4xSSAA is running the game at 4x the resolution you see. So for a 720p screen, the GPU is rendering a 1440p image and downscaling it. For a 1080p screen, the GPU renders a 4k image.
    For me my screen could only handle 1900p which is 2.5xSSAA, and it looks great.

    I said I cant take a screenshot because a screenshot takes a picture of the draw, the render, not what is sent to/shown on the screen.

    The problem comes in with the scaling of UI and text. This has always been a problem in windows. This problem is actually becoming very apparent for many users who are using high density displays because applications, and windows likes to assume 96dpi. You go over that, it doesnt know. This was an issue macs had to fix with their "retna" displays, and its an issue that windows has a hard time fixing. Its one of the reasons 4k displays are not taking off because at 30 inchs and the computer assuming 96dpi, every thing gets tiny, so profesionals just dont bother. Adobe is just now fixing the issues they have, you would think a company like adobe would have this fixed before it was an issue, but its a complicated fix because windows falls on its face in this regard.

    Anyways So I am rendering a 1900p image, The game still thinks its 96dpi, scales the text to be the same physical real world size on all 96dpi screens during the draw. During the downscaling the text gets small. For some games the issue is solved and actually scales properly, hell Steam big picture scales perfectly, because its for TVs, and TVs really ignore the 96 dpi so it has to. Mass effect scales perfectly and is a beautiful game. the steam overlay, and every valve game I have played does not. I am trying to find a way to fix the issue. Like is there a place somewhere in the code where I can increase font size or something like that. Im not finding any solutions online.

    Posting that again to show you what is being done. ^
    Last edited by StarsMine; 05-14-2014 at 07:57 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  7. Default

    Yucky, I've been dealing with this with my G2 when pushing the DPI. There isn't much you can do about it with Windows. You could make an auto .bat to change font sizes during Steam runs. Sounds like a hassle though. Valve should fix this.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  8. Default

    So I was messing with cstrike_pak_dir.vpk to try to get the UI usable. Its corrupt and saved to the cloud as a person preference now -.- I cant use the main menus. So it keeps downloading the corrupted version to my computer (at least thats my guess)

    Could someone send a vanilla version of that file? Its in the cstrike folder.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    Here you go:

    Attached Files

  10. Default

    What the.... -.-
    So that didnt fix it. I am confused. Before I messed with this The file was readable in plain text, my old file and the file you sent me are not, wondering if something else is the issue. Is your file readable in plain text?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

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