View Poll Results: Am i the worst player

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  • yes

    4 57.14%
  • no

    2 28.57%
  • my rolf knife goes slice slice slice

    1 14.29%
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Thread: poll

  1. Default poll

    Am i the worst player? Just reply yes or no.

  2. Default

    no your not that slot is reserved for mitch conner

  3. Default

    Can I be worst player?

  4. Default

    I'm voting yes cause I don't know you =P

  5. Default

    Not the worst, not even close to the worst. If you consider noobs players, then I would say that the worst players on zmod are the people that come in, don't know how to play the gametype, then manage to break every cade within a 200 yard radius of themselves.
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  6. Default

    i agree with paper... but the worst players are the unconnected faggets// and the DDOS'ers ... those people are a bitch to ban without looking up some console commands... a better question would be "who is the worst admin?" [in history of ibis ZM]

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by weeman2412 View Post
    i agree with paper... but the worst players are the unconnected faggets// and the DDOS'ers ... those people are a bitch to ban without looking up some console commands... a better question would be "who is the worst admin?" [in history of ibis ZM]
    Weeman in order to be able to answer your question of "who is the worst ZM admin ever in the histroy of IBIS" one would need to know every admin that has ever come through the ZM server on IBIS.

    From the time I started playing until now, I would say the worst admin was =bs= tecms25, but he's already been perm banned.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  8. Default

    Oh oh oh I got this one....2 above all others stick out in my mind!!!!

    Xx_Rodrigo_Brazil_xX for most rules ever broken while an admin.


    Cathy for getting so many admin abuse threads she had her admin removed in less than a week.

  9. Default

    Most cordial member????

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by demonater10 View Post
    Most cordial member????
    I second this.

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