Player name: Ike<ibis.a>
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:19690906
sb_status: yes
What hacks: Not sure what it is. Something with his sound card. He sees dots or something on his screen when people make noise by wakling. (my demo has him admitting to this). Floss has demos of him walling too.
Other info: This demo (Ike.rar) has Ike talking about his sound card program (he explained it via steam chat to nemesis in more detail). He admits that he is cheating and hacking.
(I'm getting an error when uploading the demo as a .dem file... I've attached a .rar file, just extract it into ur cstrike folder)
The error is:
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."
What does this mean?
Edit: I'm also adding one of the demos that Floss took (This is Ike1.rar).
For the "Ike1" demo on fy_funtimes:
0:39 Tick – 3980
0:59 Tick – 6000
1:52 Tick – 11270
2:14 Tick – 12444 (the autosnipe kill after the m4 kill is obvious on this one… and he brags about it lol)
2:45 Tick – 16500
After this I got tired of it and stopped logging every instance. It was too obvious that he was walling in addition to his "sound card program" claim.
4:10 is funny though... major fail