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Thread: Hitman taking leave of absence

  1. Default Hitman taking leave of absence

    Hello IBIS!!!!

    I am telling the IBIS community that I am taking a leave of absence indefinitely. I just proposed to my current girlfriend of 6 months and will be busy with other things in life. That is why I have not played since November.

    Want to wish everyone a prosperous journey through life and enjoy your time here in IBIS. IBIS is a great community and I will miss playing here. Will pop in once in a blue moon to see whats going on!!

    ROCK ON IBIS!!!!

  2. Default

    Bye bye <3

    hope things go well for you both.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud View Post
    Hello IBIS!!!!

    I am telling the IBIS community that I am taking a leave of absence indefinitely. I just proposed to my current girlfriend of 6 months and will be busy with other things in life. That is why I have not played since November.

    Want to wish everyone a prosperous journey through life and enjoy your time here in IBIS. IBIS is a great community and I will miss playing here. Will pop in once in a blue moon to see whats going on!!

    ROCK ON IBIS!!!!
    I don't know you, but I am sure you will enjoy your inevitable castration.
    I will frame your penis once your fiance chops it off.

    I will remember you.

  4. Default

    Good for you man.

  5. Default

    A few rounds in CS:S always == sweet honeymoon!

    Best of luck and you will be missed, I hope to see you jump in from time to time. Also, maybe when I finally launch the new website and start publishing articles you will swing in more to read some of them.

  6. Default

    Ill be checking the forums and yes ill be waiting for the new site to launch.

    Thanks to all!!

  7. Default

    Cloud... I am sorry to see you go. You have been a great voice of reason in IBIS.

    I am glad that your reason for leaving is somthing worth while!!! I hope you and yours all the best. Come back and join us whenever you have the time!

    I'm sure I speak for everyone when I wish you all the best in the years to come!!!!

    Later your friendly Ninja,

  8. Default

    I hope you and your boyfriend work it out.

    Good Luck !

  9. Default

    congrats hitman! you are definitely making the right choice but will be sorely missed. I've enjoyed playing with you and appreciate all the help you've given us. so you having a boy or girl and did you decide on a name yet?

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by deprodigy View Post
    congrats hitman! you are definitely making the right choice but will be sorely missed. I've enjoyed playing with you and appreciate all the help you've given us. so you having a boy or girl and did you decide on a name yet?
    He didn't say he was having a baby. That's it ! No extra milk for you !

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