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Thread: Latency and ping

  1. Angry Latency and ping

    Hey guys, the last 3 or 4 days I,ve been getting latency of around 210. I don't know why and wanted to ask if anything related to servers has changed... My ping is the same as always though... I know admins can kick you if you are above 200 in latency rates... so? I don't know what to do...

  2. Default

    I had the same thing, are you on comcast. In my case I noticed that a constant ping test my ping changed constantly from 27-300ms. I then restarted my modem and the issue was solved.

    You can run a tracert in your cmd to see where you are getting the lag. Please post results here if a modem and router restart does not help.

  3. Default

    Zero, I got this, dun know how to "read it"


    Traza a la dirección []
    sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

    1 <1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
    2 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    3 35 ms 35 ms 37 ms
    4 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    5 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    6 113 ms 119 ms 119 ms
    7 * * * Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
    8 111 ms 111 ms 116 ms
    9 133 ms 133 ms 133 ms [173.192.1
    10 136 ms 136 ms 135 ms [173.192.1
    11 135 ms 135 ms 135 ms [173.192.1
    12 134 ms 134 ms 134 ms [173.192.1
    13 136 ms 136 ms 136 ms [208.43.11
    14 135 ms 136 ms 136 ms [208.

    Traza completa.

  4. Default

    Problem is here: 6 113 ms 119 ms 119 ms

    This is the first hop after leaving your base address. Even your base address has problems getting a connection at all. Both of these issues are caused by your ISP. They can be a problem on your end like a modem needing to be reset or having issues or on their end like you being assigned to a bad card in their local exchange. Although from the looks there is likely more than 1 issue at work here.

    Are you on DSL b/c this reminds me of some results I got testing DSL lines on the Haitian border a few years back doing diagnostics.

  5. Default

    It is a Peruvian DSL... it seems at night everything is normal....

  6. Default

    Run your tracert at night and see how the route differs. This will confirm that it is an isp issue.

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