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Thread: Harry Potter Thread Tips

  1. Default Harry Potter Thread Tips

    This is the newest of try hard maps. Still in the beta process but its good to get a feel for the map so when the contest comes out, we can be prepared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Zombie Spawn Teleport Time: 7:48


    Fire (Incendio)
    - Can combo with Crucio for maximum damage
    - Lvl 4 Crucio + Lvl 4 Fire will kill zombies

    Freeze (Impedimenta)

    Wind (Flipendo)
    - Can push zombies forward if pushing zombies against solid objects

    Nuke (Avada)
    - Longest cooldown
    - Each level enables +1 use

    Heal (Reparo)
    - Protects from zombie infection
    - Use on barrels
    - Stage 5 - barrel trick no longer works (Use on second and fourth barrel)

    Wall (Protego)
    - Humans can pass through

    Slow (Crucio)
    - Can combo with Fire for maximum damage
    - Lvl 4 Crucio + Lvl 4 Fire will kill zombies

    Water (Aguamenti)
    - Zombies move forward but slowly. Don't get too close.

    Ammo (ACCIO)
    - Drops Nades when used (Lv 1 - 4, Lv 2 - 7, Lv 3 - 10, Lv 4 - 12)

    [===WAND ORDER===]

    *If wands are not available, be vocal and creative.

    Level 1 - WIND - WALL - FREEZE - *AVADA when door opens

    Level 2 - WIND - WALL - FREEZE - *AVADA during freeze or at 3rd wand

    Level 3 - AVADA *Toss into zombie cage - LV 2 WIND - FREEZE - WIND cover second teleport

    Level 4 - WIND - WALL - AVADA - FREEZE - *Others as required

    Level 5 - FREEZE - WIND - AVADA - WALL - HEAL - *Others as required

    Level 6 - FREEZE - WIND - AVADA - AMMO *Snape -

    Stage 1


    Normal: Nothing
    Extreme: Chance to force drop weapons

    This boss is very easy and can be fought without taking any damage.

    Locations marked in red are unsafe.

    Locations marked in green are safe.[/color]

    Stage 2


    Normal: Nothing
    Extreme: Petrify, Hug rocks, Chance to force drop weapons


    Step 1 - Press E on the stationary wand to start the Voldemort fight *Once the fight starts, you have repeatedly press E until the duel is over

    Step 2 - Counters

    FIRE - DD W S A

    ICE - AA S D W

    POISON - A D S W A

    AVADA - WW S A D
    Last edited by anex; 01-19-2015 at 05:06 PM.

  2. Default

    I solo yolo 2 stages 2good.

  3. #3


    Good to see some tips for level one. I didn't know that Accio (Ammo) spawned nades or I would have nade-spammed. People need to bring this up so we don't get swarmed and mass-tagged.

  4. Default

    Using these tips we beat the map in only 10 hours

  5. Default

    zombies had to give you stage 3 though. I will be very interested to see how he plans on fixing the balance issues there, cause those dragons gave us hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  6. Default

    how far yall end up gettin?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Farn416 View Post
    how far yall end up gettin?
    We beat it, Though we had to rig the final boss to how it will be in B3 (zombies getting in on the boss fight). B2 is impossible to finish, its not just bad balance, its impossible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  8. Default

    Yea there was a breakable door that let zombies enter the boss fight which was not too big an issue but then it also had the added feature of making zombies invincible when oh the other side of the door. So as a result you could not knock them back from the door or damage them in any way until they were inside the boss room. So basically the zombies get to be in a large open room with you while you fight 2 mini bosses and the big boss with no cover, literally impossible. So we froze them during that time to make it so they could not enter the door.

    On stage 3 I know not all the zombies were trying but there still was a good number who were and we barely made it that time. Without some good placed wand uses during that stage we would have never won.

  9. Default

    Well, it's still an early beta. I'm sure the map will be dramatically changed over time, just like Westersand and Skyrim were.

  10. #10


    So from playing through level 1 of B3 quite a few times, I've noticed it has a few problems:

    • (Ibis related) entwatch is not updated for B3
    • (Ibis related) the round time has to be extended to 10+ minutes to allow for people to kill voldemort and escape on time before the round ends (this is variable, dependant on the number of survivors - it's the same problem we had in B2)

    • (map related) the health bars on the death eater and voldemort on level 1 are glitched and display incorrect values
    • (map related) finally, beating voldemort and winning the first level of the map does not progress the map to level 2 as it did in B2.

    Hopefully these will be fixed soon ...
    Last edited by I'm a zambi; 07-19-2014 at 04:09 PM. Reason: revisions

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