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Thread: Hey, Demonater...

  1. Default Hey, Demonater...

    Your ZM stats page has betrayed you. I know that you have been unbanned and have been playing...

    Session Map Online Time
    2009-03-31 @ 22:26 - 23:20 ze_rooftop_runaway2_v4 00:53:58
    2009-03-30 @ 23:06 - 00:28 zm_roy_barricade_factory 01:21:36

    This is when he was banned by me:

    Session Map Online Time
    2009-03-29 @ 20:02 - 20:19 zm_roy_the_ship 00:17:07

    You will be banned an extra day for every session that you play until Sunday 4-5-09 (your original unban day).

    You should be thankful to me for only mandating an extra day for each session. Some IBIS clan members want you banned for 10 extra days on top of your original 7 day ban when spotted.

    Have a good one
    Last edited by ricochet; 04-01-2009 at 05:56 PM.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ricochet View Post
    Your ZM stats page has betrayed you. I know that you have been unbanned and have been playing...

    Session Map Online Time
    2009-03-31 @ 22:26 - 23:20 ze_rooftop_runaway2_v4 00:53:58
    2009-03-30 @ 23:06 - 00:28 zm_roy_barricade_factory 01:21:36

    This is when he was banned by me:

    Session Map Online Time
    2009-03-29 @ 20:02 - 20:19 zm_roy_the_ship 00:17:07

    You will be banned an extra day for every session that you play until Sunday 4-5-09 (your original unban day).

    You should be thankful to me for only mandating an extra day for each session. Some IBIS clan members want you banned for 10 extra days on top of your original 7 day ban when spotted.

    Have a good one
    It betrays nothing. I attempted to join the server earlier this week, and found out I was unbanned. Pleas explain why this happened?

  3. Default

    I think you know exactly why you were unbanned. I did not do it. When I see you in game again you'll be banned.

    I guess your claim to Nemsis that you'll serve your ban wasn't quite truthful, eh Demonater?

    inthebutt, thank for the concern, but, I have already agreed with ricochet that I will serve the rest of my ban. I believe it will prove that I am willing to fight for what I believe it and in...

    Guess you aren't quite as honroable as you would have us all believe...

  4. Default

    Zero if your reading this PLEASE perma ban him, we finally got rid of mr eat a dick koolaid now, we've got demonator10 in his place complete with even more annoying dick worship, this has to end. Either perma ban him or fix it so we can mute him and theres going to be others so please do something with the server owner so we can mute people again.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ricochet View Post
    I think you know exactly why you were unbanned.
    If I knew why I was unbanned, I think you would know as well.

    If I knew why I was unbanned, we would be having a much different conversation.

    If I knew why I was unbanned, I would tell you as to save you from further assuming false information.

    I did not do it.
    Neither did I.

    When I see you in game again you'll be banned.
    If you wish.

    I guess your claim to Nemsis that you'll serve your ban wasn't quite truthful, eh Demonater?
    Wrong, I served out my entire ban. It was not seven days as initially anticipated. I did not "get around" the ban, nor did I evade it. If you are going to blame me for being unbanned, I suggest you find another scapegoat.

    Guess you aren't quite as honroable as you would have us all believe...
    Your emotions seem to get in the way of your logic. I am doing the responsible thing by coming here and replying to your accusation that I have somehow removed my ban early. If you want to continue this discussion, I would recommend that you get the FACTS for the both of us so that we may have an intelligent conversation about the situation rather then a verbal cage match.

    Until then, please refrain from making implications and assumptions regarding this matter.


  6. Default

    it will be investigated. until then you will remain banned for the original time. only zero or rico can unban you and I can assure that neither did. if an admin did it without your consent, you should be mad at him and no one else. you're better off trying to find out if someone did... the attention would definitely shift off of you!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by deprodigy View Post
    that neither did. if an admin did it without your consent, you should be mad at him and no one else.
    Not mad at anyone. Actually, very happy that I have the opportunity to kill some zombies again.

    the attention would definitely shift off of you!
    With or without attention, it doesn't change the fact that I didn't unban myself. Thus, I have done nothing wrong.

    Also, I would like to point out the conflicting information that I have just received:
    it will be investigated. until then you will remain banned for the original time.
    You will be banned an extra day for every session that you play until Sunday 4-5-09 (your original unban day).
    You should be thankful to me for only mandating an extra day for each session. Some IBIS clan members want you banned for 10 extra days on top of your original 7 day ban when spotted.
    These contradicting statements are what confuse me the most. How can there be 2 separate and completely different rulings in the same thread by two different people? How am I expected to understand which one I am supposed to follow?

    Very confusing, confused bear is confused.

  8. Default Holy fuck

    Leave demonater alone. He has literally done nothing wrong.
    Rico i think you just like banning people. If his voice is annoying to you, then i guess your gunna have to deal with it. Other than him being slightly annoying sometimes (no offense Demon<33), he has done nothing wrong. He dose not deserve to be perma banned. Cock heads like koolayed deserve to banned. Hes been a nuisance since he first started playing on our servers.

    Please let Demonater be Demonater.
    don't ban him because he feels he has rights.
    like his tag, [K K K] is not used as a racially bias tag. Its abbreviation merely has the same letters. It dose not mater whether that was intentional or not.

    i love Demon <3 he should not be banned at all.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    Leave demonater alone. He has literally done nothing wrong.
    Rico i think you just like banning people. If his voice is annoying to you, then i guess your gunna have to deal with it. Other than him being slightly annoying sometimes (no offense Demon<33), he has done nothing wrong. He dose not deserve to be perma banned. Cock heads like koolayed deserve to banned. Hes been a nuisance since he first started playing on our servers.

    Please let Demonater be Demonater.
    don't ban him because he feels he has rights.
    like his tag, [K K K] is not used as a racially bias tag. Its abbreviation merely has the same letters. It dose not mater whether that was intentional or not.

    i love Demon <3 he should not be banned at all.
    Res, i think you fail to understand why his ban was not repealed when zero said he could wear the kkk tag. Demon refused to listen to Rico, even after Rico sited that C.O. had made a decision on the tag (which could only be overruled by zero). Demon continued to argue and disrespect an admin... Maybe he didn't understand the significance of C.O. making a ruling on the tag, but ignorance isn't an excuse to ignore an admin.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by demonater10 View Post
    Also, I would like to point out the conflicting information that I have just received:

    These contradicting statements are what confuse me the most. How can there be 2 separate and completely different rulings in the same thread by two different people? How am I expected to understand which one I am supposed to follow?

    Very confusing, confused bear is confused.
    my fault. ill explain better. if we find its not your fault it will be 4-5. if we find an admin did it Rico's decision will stand. you accepted your punishment didn't you quote it somewhere up there? and please don't go getting someone else's id banned... that's not fair to them. rico has our full support.
    Res, if you don't like it don't play until demon comes back.

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