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Thread: This just in "HFB screws hundreds of thousands"

  1. Default

    Well you should be able to file a dispute for the transaction that service was shut off before it was supposed to end without you violating anything in your agreement. I suppose you could e-mail them but will likely not hear anything.

    Try here maybe:

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    Ignorance is bless, correct?

    It cost money to host services over the web...
    Im looking for more information regarding one of the biggest hosts deciding out of the blue that it wanted to fuck all of its clients simultaneously.
    soooooooo, yes?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  3. #13


    Ill dispute the cost, i just dont like how they appeartly sold off my email to some guy. I guess now i need to find a new provider, which is always... lovley.
    Personal reform

  4. Default

    Selling off your e-mail might have been illegal. When you gave them your e-mail there should have been some sort of agreement with how they would use that information. If they broke that agreement they are liable to damages and fraud charges. In addition there maybe laws where their company is located forbidding them from selling that data without your express permission.

    As far as servers go I reccomend just trying to get a dedicated box somewhere as then you are in control. The only host I ever used for non deticated was from affordable game servers who went out of business at the start of the Second Great Depression. At least when they went under the guy in charge was very nice at telling us when service would stop and helping us move our servers to a new host and copy data over along with suggestions for what sort of hardware we would want to have given what he has seen our servers using at that time. Unfortunately, in all the years before I went to softlayer for dedicated hosting I never did find a single honest good quality low price host like them. Other than our webhost wiredtree who has the best customer service in existence.

  5. #15


    lol, yea.. i need the down payment to build a dedicated box. I have been slowly saving.
    Personal reform

  6. Default

    What? You do not need a down payment you just rent the box...

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    What? You do not need a down payment you just rent the box...
    Im confused now, i thought you were implied that i should build my own server and pay to have it sit in a rack at my near by data center.
    Thus saying that "making a down payment" portion. I dont have money atm to build a decent server.

    I only rent dedicated boxes. VPS is frustrating as balls. Especially VPS servers on cogent lines.

    Just to note: I was renting a dedicated server from HFB. Full root access and un managed by them.
    The entire company just took a dump and left me in the wind. Server went offline today, not when they promised...
    Personal reform

  8. Default

    The server is yours to do with under the lease as long no harmful or illegal activity. Renting, or more so leasing, from a top host rather than a cheap gaming server host is a much smarter choice if going with a dedibox. You get what you pay for.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    The server is yours to do with under the lease as long no harmful or illegal activity. Renting, or more so leasing, from a top host rather than a cheap gaming server host is a much smarter choice if going with a dedibox. You get what you pay for.
    Thats not what im saying here. Take alook at the website. Its not like i broke agreement or anything.

    They just ended up being another group of scumbags who sell billing and contact information.

    Anyways, if anyone happens upon talk about HFB or other server hosts doing what HFB did recently.. id like to know about it. Apart from gathering information about these scumbags, i also was compensation for them selling my personal information.
    Last edited by DJ_MikeyRevile; 07-18-2014 at 10:39 PM.
    Personal reform

  10. Default

    Oh well if that is what your looking for you should be renting from softlayer. The thought of renting from a reseller reseller never occurred to me.

    Normally companies like that are renting their servers from another reseller who is renting their servers from the actual datacetner. For the best quality you want to go to the source, softlayer is the largest and highest quality data center you can rent directly from.

    This is a company that deals with multi billion dollar companies. When I was COO of a long distance company we relied on Softlayer to provide critical servers to run our switching on for termination. I knew that if you got a server that produces thousands of dollars in revenue per min it needs to be from a provider that is always working and has fast and effective support.

    If you can find a server from them in your budget and spec needs I would highly recommend. (let me know too if you decide to go with them b/c I will set up an affiliate code)
    Last edited by ZERO; 07-19-2014 at 05:24 AM.

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