The function is also in efficient in that the order of operations for example is not optimized which is critical for a function that runs constantly.

if (G_bConfigLoaded && !G_bRoundTransition && IsValidEdict(trigger))
        for (new index = 0; index < entArraySize; index++)
            if (entArray[index][ent_hammerid] == Entity_GetHammerID(trigger))
                if (entArray[index][ent_trigger] == 1)
                    if (G_bRestricted[client] || G_bTemp[client])
                        if (entArray[index][ent_torient] == 0)
                            CPrintToChat(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%t", color_tag, color_warning, "status restricted");
                            TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, straight);
                            return Plugin_Handled;
                        else if (entArray[index][ent_torient] == 1)
                            CPrintToChat(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%t", color_tag, color_warning, "status restricted");
                            TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, left);
                            return Plugin_Handled;
                        else if (entArray[index][ent_torient] == 2)
                            CPrintToChat(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%t", color_tag, color_warning, "status restricted");
                            TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, right);
                            return Plugin_Handled;
                        else if (entArray[index][ent_torient] == 3)
                            CPrintToChat(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%t", color_tag, color_warning, "status restricted");
                            TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, back);
                            return Plugin_Handled;
Note that in this code we are waiting to check if the client is even supposed to be restricted at the very end within a loop! Also any check that can be done outside of a loop needs to for performance.