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Thread: Guide: ze_Slender_escape_b4

  1. Default Guide: ze_Slender_escape_b4

    Due to popular autism, I've decided to write up a guide for Slender Escape. It's a challenging map that requires teamwork, constant awareness of objectives, and a very low amount of trolls. (Keep your troll hands off the lanterns, especially the stage 1 lantern!)

    This guide is a work in progress.

    Every stage starts at a large tree in the woods. Your new friend Slenderman is going to help you escape prison, and now you need to follow him and escape the zombies! For now, the tree will have a force field to protect you.

    To help players along, three Glowsticks and one Lantern have been provided. To pick them up, throw away your pistols and move over the item -- it will now occupy your pistols slot. To use it, just press E. Glowsticks recharge every 15 seconds and should be used especially in doorways, around corners, or all 3 glowsticks at once spanning the width of a hallway. Glowsticks will burn zombies that walk over them, just like a grenade would. The lantern should only be used once, and pushes zombies away for a few seconds. More on that later.

    In a few seconds, you'll be teleported..

    The overall strategy for this stage is to slowly fall back while defending for almost the entire round, while one person falls back all the way to begin the slow process of opening seven time-delayed gates. Two of the gates are extremely hard to defend, so it is strongly advised to defend earlier in the map until the gates in question are completely open. There are a couple of tricky spots, but there are no boss fights. The biggest obstacle will be Spider Zombies. Their hitboxes are based on the type of zombie that becomes a Spider Zombie. Sometimes they are normal height, and sometimes they are crawler/deformed height. You can't tell unless they're on fire and you're extremely close to them, so play it safe. Aim low and shoot them in their tiny spider faces.

    Understanding the map/map key
    Red Circles represent areas that need to be defended. Defend each Red Circle for roughly 20-30 seconds.

    Gates 3 and 4 are special because they involve more than one gate each and have special timing rules: Gates 3a and 3b open simultaneously, and Gate 4b opens approximately 10 seconds after Gate 4a opens. If some players are running late to Gate 4a, you will have to defend Gate 4b until they catch up, otherwise the zombies will be waiting for them. Gate 4b is a huge ambush spot for zombies to wait at. After passing Gates 4a and 4b you may want to defend the long hallway, but it is an extremely dark & shady place. The brown colored rectangle on the map represents a pipe that extends down the tunnel; at any point, a zombie can dash out from underneath it. Just avoid it and defend on the other side of the large shelf, just before Gate 5. There isn't a lot of room to fall back here so make sure to keep using the Glowsticks every 15 seconds at tight spots and around corners.

    Gate 6
    Gate 6.png

    The area immediately in front of Gate 6 is funnel-shaped in the zombies favor, making it very hard to defend. It is always a bad idea to defend right at Gate 6 and to emphasize this the map creator made this gate do damage to you if you're at it while it opens! Just defend at the Super Hallway instead.

    After passing Gate 7, you'll see two large stacks of crates (marked by three Red Circles on the map). This is the hardest place in the stage to defend, and you must defend it for 50 seconds until the exit ladder opens up. While most of the team is defending, one player should go get the Lantern. When there are only 5 seconds or less remaining, activate the Lantern to push all the zombies back while the rest of your team scrambles up the ladder. By the time the Lantern wears off, and depending on how good of a climber you are, your team should be able to cover your escape safely from the top of the ladder.

    Here's a blank version of the map if you want to fill it in yourself:

    Level 1 Blank.png


    Level 2.png

    Coming soon...

    This stage has the steepest learning curve out of all the Slender stages, but it is by far my favorite stage. If you have enough players willing to cooperate, you can whoop this stage's ass in 3 or 4 minutes! The objective here is to defend your base from zombies and Slenderman while other humans go outside the base and into the woods to collect gas cans and refuel your generator. I'll break this stage down into 4 sections: Your Base, Items, Zombies, and Retrieving Items.

    Your Base
    Humans spawn in the base, facing south as indicated on the map. The base is enclosed by a fence and has three openings, all of which need to be defended. One entrance has two crate piles, and two entrances have one crate pile and a deactivated Guard Dog. These Guard Dogs initially do nothing, but once you restore 40% fuel to the generator, one of the Guard Dogs will come alive and will defend its entrance for you, meaning you can go defend somewhere else now! The second Guard Dog activates at 80% fuel. The reason it's so important to defend the base is because of the extremely important, extremely fragile generator in the middle of the base. If a zombie gets in and knifes the generator just one time, it will blow up and turn all the noobs into dust. Dust.

    If you are one of the humans who stays at the base, check your radar to make sure each entrance has enough guards. There's no point having 1 guard at two of the entrances and 6 guards at the last entrance; You'll never see the zombies coming.

    Several Gas Cans are distributed around the map at random. They will ALWAYS spawn at a major landmark, but there are less Gas Cans than there are landmarks. To pick them up, throw away your pistols and walk onto the Gas Can -- it will now occupy your pistols slot. You can only hold one item at a time, so as soon as you get one call out the location over the microphone and return to base to put the fuel into the generator. Putting fuel into the generator can sometimes be tricky/finicky. The best solution I've found is to stand at the front of the generator, jump, and press E while looking at the gas can. If in doubt just spam E in circles while jumping. Just put the damn fuel into the damn generator.

    Instead of Glowsticks like in Stage One, this time you get three Lanterns. These work exactly the same as the Lantern from Stage One: push E and all zombies in front of you will be repelled for several seconds. Lanterns are great for when you're swarmed or when a Deformed Zombie has become a Slender Zombie and you're having trouble shooting it. Thus, one Lantern should stay at each of the entrances. Three Lanterns, three entrances. That way no one goes without.

    The most important thing concerning Lanterns is the fact that you can only hold one item at a time. If you have a Lantern, you can't hold a Gas Can. If you leave the base with a Lantern, you cannot pick up a Gas Can so there's no point leaving the base in the first place. Dropping lanterns randomly around the map to pick up Gas Cans will probably get your item privileges revoked for at least the rest of the map.

    Instead of Spider Zombies, you'll have to fight three Slender Zombies. These guys are very tall, but their hitboxes are based on the type of zombie that becomes a Slender Zombie. Sometimes they are normal height, and sometimes they are crawler/deformed height. If you are emptying magazine into them with no effect, aim a little lower. Fortunately, the knockback on this stage starts high and increases with each failed round. Slender Zombies can right-click to set people near them on fire.

    Retrieving Items
    While you're outside of the base, you're vulnerable. You have to run in a straight line to avoid getting lost, while also scanning 360 degrees to look out for zombies. Gas Cans only give you 30 pistol shots, so if you see any extended fighting you'll have to slow down to use your primary weapon. Use your microphone as little as possible so the icon doesn't pop up over your head. Turn your flashlight off so zombies don't see it. Bring a buddy with you, especially when exploring the Big Building. A good strategy is to bring 3-4 players with you and make a circuit to look for gas cans. At the very least, you'll hit the 40% mark after one trip outside the base. Just make sure you leave enough players at the base to defend it while you're out.

    An example circuit:

    Level 3 Paint Sized Example Circuit.png
    Attached Images
    Last edited by Biodiversity; 12-22-2014 at 08:56 AM.

  2. #2


    Damn. Fuckin art major status.

  3. Default

    Lol I figured it would look better in pen instead of in MS Paint. Maybe not... I hope those guys from last night come look at the map at least.

  4. Default

    Nice guide but the only people who will ever bother to read it probably already know how to play the map.

  5. Default

    Yup but it doesn't harm to put this info out there anyways. That way we can come up with a game plan for a couple of us and command the masses to stay and defend.

  6. Default

    Well right now we have 13 members and 156 guests online... Who knows? Maybe some of the lurkers play in the server

  7. Default

    Also I think this guide will start to get a lot of views b/c when you search for a guide for this map this is the very first result in google.

  8. Default

    Lol, we are the only ones that make guides. Bio you are missing the last level that has valves.

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