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Thread: Reduce maximum nade fire time for zombies.

  1. Default Reduce maximum nade fire time for zombies.

    I know it's been 15 seconds for a long time, but a lot of stuff has been changed this year in favor of humans (adding the knockback plugin, fixing items, auto-equipping humans with p90+dualies, removing pred, removing failnades, removing nade sticking, removing fall damage, nerfing deformed, etc). No other ZE server has nades as overpowered as ours. It makes Ibis look amateurish instead of a serious ZE server and that makes it harder to attract and keep good players. There's no legitimate tactical purpose to setting zombies on fire for up to 15 seconds with a single nade. They're not supposed to take the place of teamwork and smart item use. How about reducing it to 10 or 12 seconds (which is still really damn long) and seeing how that works out?

  2. Default

    Oh come on Rofl. Would it really disrupt the one round of ZE you play every month that badly?

  3. Default

    Return the nade sticking for the lulz.

  4. Default

    I agree but the other servers have it the timer set to a standard time even if it his you barely. I think the max on pf is like 7 seconds. In ibis, the fire time is determined by how close you are to the nade. The other servers don't have that. If you got hit, you ate on fire for 7 seconds regardless of the proximity.

    I'm all for lowering the time however if we do that then I think the proximity radius should be increased since fire time will be cut in half

  5. Default

    I think that's a good idea. The proximity is definitely a little low here.

  6. Default

    Except that it would then actually be proximity in that even if your in another room behind a wall ect you would be set on fire... currently it is not based on proximity but instead on damage delt. This is why you can hind behind something to avoid or reduce the fire length now. The only way around that would be to increase the actual blast radius of the nades themselves making them more powerful.

  7. Default

    I say leave as is...
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  8. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Dafuq you wanna know that for? Rapist


    Both are very good ideas. We could implement 1 plugin for, lets say 1-2 weeks and see how it goes then switch it to the other plugin. With that being said, the "coders" would have to waste their precious time doing it. So, its up to you guys. Just my .02¢

  9. #10


    Personally, I think nades should be between 2 and 10 seconds (2 for minimal damage, 10 for maximum) and their blast radius could indeed do with an increase.

    That said, while I'm not too fond of what we have, I don't think it's necessarily harmful.

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