Hallo everyone. I'm sure those who are on the Zombie Mod servers know me as Christmas in My Pants, the guy who plays the "CHOCOLATE?!?" sounds a lot.
Finally found the forums so I'd like to say hello.
Hallo everyone. I'm sure those who are on the Zombie Mod servers know me as Christmas in My Pants, the guy who plays the "CHOCOLATE?!?" sounds a lot.
Finally found the forums so I'd like to say hello.
I laugh everytime you play that whole chocolate thing.
You are chocolately mother fucker, good sir.
lol what happend to jizzed in my pants though
and at the request of imgonnagetcha and myself.... SHUT UP!
i think its funny ;D
Personally I don't really give a fuck about It, but when you constatly encourage him to spam that stupid god damn motherfucking soundclip for 20 motherfucking minutes it tends to get on peoples nerves, especally mine.
If he has spammed it, I've missed it.
Yea he usually doesn't SPAM it but it's funny nevertheless lol