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Thread: Remington ;D

  1. Default Remington ;D

    I finally found the forums =]
    Hello guys

  2. Default

    Howdy do to you, sir.

  3. #3


    Hello, I enjoy playing ZM with you.

  4. Default

    Oh and I can say the same to you Masta, also to all the other gentlemen and ladies.

  5. Default

    ZM = fail!

    I must say, the ZM bawws just as much as GG did a lil back... just more flaming!

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Envy View Post
    ZM = fail!

    I must say, the ZM bawws just as much as GG did a lil back... just more flaming!
    You're cool


  7. Default

    you should get a mic remington

  8. Default

    im actually about to get 1

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Envy View Post
    ZM = fail!

    I must say, the ZM bawws just as much as GG did a lil back...
    Trust me, it still does.

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