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Thread: Remington's App

  1. Default Remington's App

    Real Name: Remington, or even Remy

    Age: 16

    Location: Florida

    In game Name: Remington ;D

    Weapons of Choice: Elite/M3, or Deagle.

    Maps: I like roy_the_ship ;D

    Reason for App: I've been playing in the ZM server for 2 years under another name, just recently started playing under Remington and I like the server, I seem to be here more than I am in my clan server which is why I would join ibis.
    EDIT: I'm friends with like everyone in the server

    Experience: I've been playing CS:S for a few years, and I have been playing any FPS games that entertain me,

    Contact Info:
    [email protected]

    Profession: Unemployed, but I'm planning on going to college, becoming a firefighter, then a teacher.
    Last edited by Remington; 04-07-2009 at 12:57 AM.

  2. Default

    wow nice like a life story

  3. Default

    you DO know who decides on whos app is accepted right?

  4. Default

    Not really, don't really care who it is, if it's you, oh well, looks like I won't get into <ibis> but that's your problem.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    Not really, don't really care who it is, if it's you, oh well, looks like I won't get into <ibis> but that's your problem.
    Or loss

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  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by demonater10 View Post
    Could the denial be anymore blatant?
    Oh noes, you have not been accepted into the clan Remington. However, feel free to join [K K K], we aren't very picky my good sir!
    beggers cant be choosers...

    you applied for IBIS, it doesnt look like ur "clan" has a forum, a server. or even an organized system.

    we also have a minimum age requirement. so you gotta wait till ur voice settles in and u pass through puberty.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by whytboiz33 View Post
    beggers cant be choosers...

    you applied for IBIS, it doesnt look like ur "clan" has a forum, a server. or even an organized system.

    we also have a minimum age requirement. so you gotta wait till ur voice settles in and u pass through puberty.
    my voice has yet to pass through puberty whyt I'm 24 and I still talk like a little kid.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    my voice has yet to pass through puberty whyt I'm 24 and I still talk like a little kid.
    wellthats ur own personal issue. we dont fault people for handicaps... thats why we let UNCLE JUNE in.

  10. Default

    Because players are not actually denied until I say they are, usually after a lengthy period of time and after a vote of all current clan members. All spam posts will now be deleted.

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