After looking back at all of the data and the meaning of the KKK tag along with additional random polls of the servers I have determined that there is no reason that it needs to remain KKK especially seeing the problems this is causing on the server. While I support the rite to have freedom of speech I can not allow this to be taken advantage of, intentionally or unintentionally, and used as a means to cause a ruckuses on the servers.
Therefore, the Kool Kats Klan needs to go by CCC or something simular on the servers and forums of IBIS Gaming. Because I do not believe that KKK members are trying to intentionally create problems on the server I believe that they should be able to agree on a new tag that causes less problems in the server and foums.
In order to enact this decision admin shal do the following:
Request the player to change KKK to CCC or another variant
Issue the change for them if needed
If they create a problem or do not agree ban them for 5min so that they can come here and read this thread. (Tell them about thread)