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Thread: New ZM/ZE Maps Removal Thread

  1. Thumbs up New ZM/ZE Maps Removal Thread

    No use in cluttering up the server with maps we don't ever play. Remove everything except for Harry Potter, Shroomforest, and Sorrento.

  2. #2


    Yes please.

  3. Default

    I don't understand why people like playing maps like Sorrento 10 times or more a day? Sure there are a few maps that are just horrible. But there are a lot of great maps that barely get played or don't get played at all. Usually b/c they don't recognize the map name or they haven't even played the map and so they just assume that it sucks. I see people do it all the time, "Oh that map is terrible, why did you pick that one?!? (map changes) Ohh that's what this map is called, I LOVE THIS MAP!" Or after playing 10min on map they never played before, but previously said "Oh that map is terrible, why did you pick that one?!?" they say "man this map is actually really good."

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rellikdloc View Post
    I don't understand why people like playing maps like Sorrento 10 times or more a day? Sure there are a few maps that are just horrible. But there are a lot of great maps that barely get played or don't get played at all. Usually b/c they don't recognize the map name or they haven't even played the map and so they just assume that it sucks. I see people do it all the time, "Oh that map is terrible, why did you pick that one?!? (map changes) Ohh that's what this map is called, I LOVE THIS MAP!" Or after playing 10min on map they never played before, but previously said "Oh that map is terrible, why did you pick that one?!?" they say "man this map is actually really good."
    I very rarely see that experience. Usually when a different map is voted for and we load it up, it'll mysteriously switch itself to one of the three maps mentioned above within the first round.

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