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Thread: [ADD] ze_harry_potter_v1_bt1

  1. Default [ADD] ze_harry_potter_v1_bt1

    Harry Potter v1_bt1 online!
    Hey folks,

    I might post this in an announcement to make all the potter fags crazy lel..
    I am currently releasing a beta version from the actuall v1
    This beta is open for public to test out and hopefully it plays fine

    For thoose with the question: Why beta??
    Caus i am not 100% sure the map will run smootly and/or non crashable, but i release a beta version from the upcomming v1 to test now live in servers and we see how it goes..
    And yes, everything the v1 would have, is included in the v1 beta, except for bonus rounds since this is not complete done yet
    There should not be a beta anymore but i wanna play safe so i am first releasing a beta
    Just keep in mind this is the only beta that i release, no mather if bugs are found, i just fix thoose by the time i release the real v1


    1: The map is not visleaf optimized yet, but should be do-able to play for now
    2: The map can have bugs since a lot of new things are added
    3: The map has a complete new boss calculation since there are more bosses so it can happen some bosses are too OP or too easy (yet)

    Further than that i wish you all much fun and hope you have a great time
    Yes, the map has a lot of custom stuff so it might be a bit big in size

    Download link is available!
    Entwatch config is included inside the map (packed)
    So the communitys who run entwatch have this automatic loaded
    Timesets are not set dynamic since entwatch does not support custom outputs (yet?) and all the wands change in cooldown times when they upgrade anyway

    What i was going to add more in the map was: Bonus rounds
    Bonus rounds are actually random selection and can pop in at any time, you get to a small area where you can vote for a bonus (total of 5), and after voting you get teleported to another area where you have to fight deatheaters while holding off zombies and if the humans can kill all deatheaters before zombies can kill them all, they win and get the bonus.
    If they loose, zombies get a bonus instead!
    I had no idea this thing would take more time so i made a copy from it and ill complete it in there so i can already test the v1_bt1 with this extra still excluded. Bonus rounds will come in the map just a bit later as expected.

    I am also still missing 2 options for a bonus so if you have any idea feel free to post, to exclude double things i will post the list i already have:

    = Skip bonus
    = Bonus 1: Unlimited avada or deletrius
    = Bonus 2: Free wand upgrade for humans or bonus upgrade for zm
    = Bonus 3: Secret wand (sort gravity for human or puller for zm)
    = Bonus 4: Still in search what to do with this
    = Bonus 5: Still in search what to do with this
    map: ze_harry_potter_v1_bt1



    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. #2


    Oh god.

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