Real Name: NicK
In game Name: WEEMAN
Weapons of Choice: anything that works
Maps: any map with 4+stars on fpsbannana and a little more then 100 DLs
Reason for App: I just want to see what happens
Experience: I played counter strike since 1.6 ... ye i was too young for the previous version.. I played since my pre-teen years.. so like 10-12ish or something like that..
oh ya I use to be admin on the ZM server.. I can say i was a fair admin.. change map on demand.. and do lots of votes to see what people like and hate.. I also have my ma command list near me at all times when i was admin.. so i can ban (ban avoiders).. Again i only play IBIS ZM ... never GG or any other stuff IBIS has to offer
Contact Info:
[email protected] <<<< i'm registering for college so i want my email to show maturity
Steam Friends: n/a i do account pools.. ( ill get a main during the summer to buy admin on IBIS)
A little about me: I'm 18 this year.. I am jesus reincarnate.. because my birthday is on Christmas... (12:00ish AM LOL birth time) I like css. I like games. I like Ibis. I like keeping things short.
where you might see me: IBIS ZOMBIE
Titties n BEER for gungame
[TG] Monster for pure pub ownage