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Thread: new admin powers!

  1. Default new admin powers!

    Okay is it possible for me to turn parachutes back on??? someone turned them off today and i have no idea if i can turn them back on?? anyone help? i know i am a limited admin with only certain abilities but would it be possible for me to get no clip? just asking if not thats fine but the parachutes thing just got to me? anyone help me figure out if i can or can not turn them off or on?


  2. Smile

    its too bad, but NoClip doesn't work in ZM. i have already tryed , and im sure u can turn it back on it has to be a SM cammand so ull have to ask zero for the RCON cammand to enable it, just a radom guess it might be, ma_rcon rcon sm_parachute 1 , or it could be ma_rcon rcon sm_parachute_enable 1

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SlasheR View Post
    its too bad, but NoClip doesn't work in ZM. i have already tryed , and im sure u can turn it back on it has to be a SM cammand so ull have to ask zero for the RCON cammand to enable it, just a radom guess it might be, ma_rcon rcon sm_parachute 1 , or it could be ma_rcon rcon sm_parachute_enable 1
    sorry no rcon access. personally wouldn't bother asking. come on are you cereals? lol want rcon? start a server. one 1 gets rcon in ibis and it zero.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by deprodigy View Post
    sorry no rcon access. personally wouldn't bother asking. come on are you cereals? lol want rcon? start a server. one 1 gets rcon in ibis and it zero.
    What's he's trying to do is turn the parachutes back on. Apparently some admin turned them off

  5. Default

    In the ZM server i believe zer0 has set the parachutes to be used on certain maps, if that's so, thats lame. i like them on every map, makes all the maps intresting

    Hodgie, i love you.

  6. Default

    no clip is not usable by standard admins cause of abuse. however, the new system that we are implementing gives more powers to admins that do not abuse (as in to the admins that have had a good track record for a period of time)

    Live or die, make your choice.

  7. Default

    new admin powers can eat my dix xD
    there is only 1 thing i want and its the only thing ill eat : P

  8. Default

    Go to fucking hell Koolayed.
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 06-01-2009 at 03:10 AM.
    Edit: Valve AND Zero would find a way to screw up a steel ball.

    I have never seen any other server that used to be so much fun to play on just get so properly rammed into the ground by one person's lazyness, incompetence and inability to grasp how to properly run a server.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by JigSaW View Post
    no clip is not usable by standard admins cause of abuse. however, the new system that we are implementing gives more powers to admins that do not abuse (as in to the admins that have had a good track record for a period of time)
    Will this track record be compared against other admins or an absolute set of rules to decide who has the extended powers?

    Trying to figure out if you're going to give it to the good apples, or just the least bruised of the bad apples.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kavinsky View Post
    Go to fucking hell Koolayed.
    I second that notion.

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