Youtube support has now been added, you can now post regular and HD youtube videos into the forums. Simply press the youtube button to get the code in your post. Note that you only put the ID of the video in the field. Below is an example:
This could be a bit confusing because the &hd= part has been tacked on. Therefore to ensure you know what you need click more share options.
In the copy and paste section copy the code that appears after v= in this case that code is Yhfl4mFH1No. Advanced users will note where this appears in the link above because it is simply any code after the v= and before any additional code that is indicated by a &.
Once you have your code simply put it inside of the BB code below is examples:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Note that for the HD to work the video must have an HD version this is not the same as a HQ version.
My old clan use to have this. It's very helpful ;D
Originally Posted by whytboiz33
you may have enjoyed a care free, rule breaking life prior to this. but now things have changed due to constant complaints and demand for action. now you and ur "crew, goons, idiots" will be delt with. admins will not protect you.