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Thread: Fallen players...

  1. #11


    How about we all just free Hosh instead.

  2. Default

    How about stop giving bad people admin, add a donator system with goodies and let experienced players handle stuff.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    How about stop giving bad people admin, add a donator system with goodies and let experienced players handle stuff.
    Because experienced players are never bad?
    "Intolerance and superstition has always been the domain of the more stupid amongst the common folk and, I conjecture, will never be uprooted, for they are as eternal as stupidity itself. There, where mountains tower today, one day there will be seas; there where today seas surge, will one day be deserts. But stupidity will remain stupidity."
    “You surround the dead with veneration and memory, you dream of immortality, and in your myths and legends there’s always someone being resurrected, conquering death. But were your esteemed late great-grandfather really to suddenly rise from the grave and order a beer, panic would ensue.”
    “A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds the coward in contempt.'

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    How about stop giving bad people admin, add a donator system with goodies and let experienced players handle stuff.
    It would be a good idea, but who decides which player is experienced enough? And where do you base your opinion on weather the person is or isn't qualified?
    Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    It would be a good idea, but who decides which player is experienced enough? And where do you base your opinion on weather the person is or isn't qualified?
    A clan voting system. But this idea will get washed away.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    A clan voting system. But this idea will get washed away.
    It probably will, but one can only hope
    Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    A clan voting system. But this idea will get washed away.
    It takes months on top of months to vote on ULA, you think they'll be able to tend to that? Shit nigga, you cray.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  8. Default

    Not only that, but i 100% doubt clan has the time or patients to go through and be a character judge of that many people.
    clan being character judges anyways just sounds terrifying...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    Plain and simple, report admin abuse. Only way shit will be stopped.

  10. Default

    I could get down on being the judge of character for new admins, as I am sure the other active clan would like to be a part of that.

    Money is right though, stop by being lazy and report abuse.

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