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Thread: New Maps to Rotation list??

  1. Question New Maps to Rotation list??

    I know Zero added 9 new maps to zmod, just wondering when they will be uploaded to the rotation list? Or at least I didn't see them on there.


  2. Default

    Italy and Zelda is on the list but not sure about the other ones.
    "Intolerance and superstition has always been the domain of the more stupid amongst the common folk and, I conjecture, will never be uprooted, for they are as eternal as stupidity itself. There, where mountains tower today, one day there will be seas; there where today seas surge, will one day be deserts. But stupidity will remain stupidity."
    “You surround the dead with veneration and memory, you dream of immortality, and in your myths and legends there’s always someone being resurrected, conquering death. But were your esteemed late great-grandfather really to suddenly rise from the grave and order a beer, panic would ensue.”
    “A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds the coward in contempt.'

  3. Default

    lol I was just wanting that Surf one on the list, gives you a little more options than just hiding. Then again, why play that when you can play beachstrike and Sorrento 30 times a day!

  4. Default

    They all should be on the list. I will check again and make sure they are.

  5. Default

    Those are all on the list. They're at the very end.
    *DEAD* [SF]Rios( . Y . ) : my god u are the monster not the zombies
    *DEAD* [SF]Rios( . Y . ) : lol fu u
    ~ said shortly after being stuck in a cade and killed

  6. Default

    I thought I went to the end to check but didn't see them but I could be wrong.
    Nvm, I seen them. I think I was using admin command list to look at maps and not the nomination.
    Last edited by $Money$; 01-16-2015 at 06:58 PM.

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