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Thread: corrupt admins & whats going wrong

  1. #1

    Angry corrupt admins & whats going wrong

    Hello there in this thread i complain me about the admins on the Ibis Zombie Server.
    First Iam german . My english is not very good but i hope you understand what i mean.
    Ok I think thats not ok that the admins change the map the most times. We the players vote for a map that we want to play and sometimes a admin comes and say (OR HIS FRIENDS. REMEMBER THAT) no I dislike the nextmap lets change map.
    Really man it sucks if admin always change map just because they dislike it. So the admins change the map most to: Sorrento, Beach strike, snoopie , neko garden or desert fortress. And most of the maps are overplayed. It sucks if you think wow were going now play stargate esacpe lotr or something else and the admin come and say: no I want to play other map. Whats wrong with you guys ? Admins just pay 11$ month and get the right toto revoke a democratic decision of THE PLAYERS. Please end this shit and let the players decide whats the nextmap would be.
    Next is about rule breaking.
    Last time i saw some friends of admins or clan members breaking rules and admin ignoring the rule breaking. that's not fair for the normal players.
    Admin and friend are on the same spot on a ZM map.
    Admins friend get infected and dont attack the admin
    Hes friendly zombie.
    Thats rule breaking but admin ignoring it.
    The admins are very corrupt (not all but the most)
    Next example is about me:
    On icecap esacpe paras was enabled. I tried to climb up a ladder to get earlier to a chopper. Chris the admin saw it and told me if i pre nuke i will get 1week bann. I just tryed to get earlier to the last island and not pre nuking. Next round papi racist go earlier to the chopper and got to the last island. He jumped down and prenuked . I ghostet him and saw his pre nuking +made demo but cant see his name (my fail ).And what was his punishment JUST A FUCKING KICK with reason pre nuke. Best example you see: me= player .pre nuke = 1week bann. papi racist = chris friend . pre nuke = just one kick.
    Ok i must say in the past i pre nuked on time on atix and get ban BUT this is long time ago and i did not take it anymore. But just getting a kick for prenuke over 10 players is not fair.
    I hope really you will fix this admin proplem and dont give every one admin rights just because hes paying 11$.
    Dont be corrupt
    Dont change always map
    Dont ingoring rule breaking from you friends
    Dont be pissed off when someone is complain.
    Have a nice day Ibis community

  2. Default

    This whole essay will be ignored because no proof is present.. $11 month is the ibis motto
    Quote Originally Posted by Fang View Post
    I started a vote ban on my self to see how many people hated me they all voted yes and the server banned me.

  3. Default

    Who is corrupting admins?
    Are they taking bribes? I want bribes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  4. #4


    Your post is proof enough

    @StarMine here you have 1000000000 Cookies
    @ All
    Stop trolling me and fix the admin proplem

  5. Default

    I dont really know anything about zm, so i wont be able to help much. However i do know that an admin has the right to change the map to what they want as long as its not excessive (rapid map switches)

  6. Default

    if I had a nickel for every time some foreign asshole posts a retarded fucking rant in broken English about how bad ZM admins are, I'd have like 10 nickels.
    *DEAD* [SF]Rios( . Y . ) : my god u are the monster not the zombies
    *DEAD* [SF]Rios( . Y . ) : lol fu u
    ~ said shortly after being stuck in a cade and killed

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sup View Post
    if I had a nickel for every time some foreign asshole posts a retarded fucking rant in broken English about how bad ZM admins are, I'd have like 10 nickels.
    Racist you're being generous.. i think you'd have a quarter.
    @strong those are the rules of IBIS, before you post a moronic thread read them, after you read them and you decide their unfair.. you can take the next step add <ibis> at the end of your name then message "Maynard <ibis>" and ask him to activate your powers so you can have authority to edit our rules. Lucky for you were currently in open enrollment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fang View Post
    I started a vote ban on my self to see how many people hated me they all voted yes and the server banned me.

  8. #8


    Same people same old shit. We need to change it. Whats about Zero ? What thinks he ?

  9. Default

    I agree that it makes all the IBIS Servers less fun to play when admins can override what 15+ other people are voting on. (e.g. Shady Virus cancelling a new map vote because he was winning in a GG map)

    It almost makes us hypocritical as Americans... But the power of 1 admin overrides... It is something that should at least be discussed and possibly changed.

    -The players MAKE these games fun!
    -The admins ensure the rules are followed, However they are able to go against everyone on the server if they choose!
    -Without the players, There is no need for Admins
    -We all need to work together to make the game more fun and I applaud anyone who speaks out when they see something wrong.
    -The WCS server used to have lots of people until admins went ban crazy and now you're lucky to see 3 people playing on the server

    -A community without power balances is doomed to fail (e.g USA)


    Germany has their shit together, USA does not... Food for thought
    Last edited by lbiza; 03-11-2015 at 06:06 PM.

  10. Default

    thinks he you buy admoon for $11 and change map to you what want

    Quote Originally Posted by lbiza View Post
    I agree that it makes all the IBIS Servers less fun to play when admins can override what 15+ other people voted on. But the power of 1 admin overrides... It is something that should at least be discussed and possibly changed.

    The players MAKE these games fun!
    The admins ensure the rules are followed, However they are able to go against everyone on the server if they choose!
    If this problem isn't discussed and resolved these servers could be emptied within a year.
    Without the players, There is no need for Admins
    We all need to work together to make the game more fun and I applaud anyone who speaks out when they see something wrong.


    Germany has their shit together, USA does not... Food for thought
    and ibis servers will never be emptied.. theyve been around for too long homeboy
    Quote Originally Posted by Fang View Post
    I started a vote ban on my self to see how many people hated me they all voted yes and the server banned me.

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