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Thread: JaX ibis.a Admin Abuse

  1. Default JaX ibis.a Admin Abuse

    Admin's INGAME name: JaX ibis.a #Yes4Racism and King ibis.a
    You're INGAME name: toma [no sound]
    Server: Zombie MOD+
    Date & Time: 4/21/15 16:50 ish CDT /17:50ish EDT

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS): King launched the zombie's towards other CTs to try and team kill at the end, after King launched Jax into the air to avoid the map trigger, Jax slapped self to tag players as he was the last zombie alive

    Proof (Proof is NEEDED in order to report abuse, if the abuse contains admin commands and chat only a date and time is needed; however, a screen shot or console copy is helpful): Tick 43000 onward


  2. Default

    Yes both Jax and King are guilty. Jax for abusing slap and King for Tking.
    Honestly this is getting really pathetic.

  3. Default

    What are their steam IDs?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Both banned for 2 days. Let this serve as a warning.

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