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Thread: Please Read. :)

  1. Default Please Read. :)

    Authorized this with ZERO beforehand, but long story short:

    Step dad loses job to shutting down company, retires early, parents tight on budget,
    step dad has quadruple bypass heart surgery in January, starts to recover...
    last month has stroke, now has some brain damage and will be in ICU then Rehab for months
    mom wont admit it, but she needs help, she still paying off the 3 grand from the hospital visit in
    january, and I want to help her. Shes the kind of person who would take the shoes off of her feet
    to help someone before asking for help... so PLEASE take just a moment to read through this if you can
    and please share it with anyone you know and if you have a few bucks, itd mean the world to our family,
    I cant wait to surprise my mother and give her a break in life. Thank you so much for your time.

  2. Default

    Like I said before man, sorry and hope things get better for your fam. Sending over a prayer for ya.

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