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Thread: New Time Distortion Grenades need changing -.-

  1. Exclamation New Time Distortion Grenades need changing -.-

    Yo, this is Cake, but these new Time Distortion (T.D.) grenades are too broken. grenades send you flying, they crash the server if too many are thrown, and they make all zombie classes USELESS! They also tend to mess up the speed of zombie held items (For example, an item from one of the FF maps increases zombie speeds and the T.D. Grenade got rid of that boost). You can win any map by using these grenades and any holding point in ze maps with crouching spots are impossible to get through. Also, they tend to lag up the server and cause MASSIVE frame drop (Ex. 202 to 23). Overall, they are buggy and they annoy everyone. I think you should get rid of the animation of the grenade once they're thrown, would greatly reduce FPS/Server lag and would annoy people less. Also, should make the effect shorter, too long of the slow down -.- That's all that I believe is wrong with them really, think they're a interesting new addition that could spice up the server! ^.^

  2. Default

    Spice up the server? You mean make maps easier for the shitlords that still play ze on ibis...
    Quote Originally Posted by anex View Post
    That's how about how far as we got.

  3. Default

    It should not be possible to get fps drops from 2d images. The thing literally renders sprites. These do not effect fps unless your already getting only 10fps or your using 100% of your ram and gpu ram to play a nearly 10 year old game which also seams unlikely. It can not cause server side lag. If the simple program of this caused server lag then the wcs server would not even be able to start. I do see a glitch that can possible cause a crash though so I can fix that.

    The glitch with the speed is caused by the fact that zm speed must be recorded when the player becomes a zombie. On some maps that are not programed correctly the map instead of actually freezing players is altering their speed to 0. If a user was his by a time nade their speed without being coded this way would be 0 forever. I can likely program detection of those special speed items on the few maps that have them and recatch the zombie speed after they get it so that the data will be accurate. The ability to do this is already possible in theory b/c it is done in the ent tracker plugin we already have.

    This is the first weekend the new nades have been in place. It will take a few days for all the issues to be ironed out. Also keep in mind that this comes with reductions to burn time for the holy hand grenades.

    I am also considering giving zombies some special abilities to make up for the new abilities of humans.

  4. Default

    Patched a bug that can cause errors if a user leaves the server while the nade is active.

  5. Default

    Also reduced length by 4 seconds.

  6. Default

    Those distortion nades be OP... Rage quitting has started

  7. Default

    Lol thanks zero! ^.^
    --The world without art is
    --Remember your past, it made the you right now.--

    --I miss everybody! :^( --

  8. Default

    Just like with the ent watch plugin for the time nades to play with zombie items I will need to know the end number and the map. It will then just like the ent plugin know that a zombie has said item and if so take the required actions to ensure compatibility.

  9. Default

    AEO time reduced to 8. Timer after leaving aoe reduced from 5 to 2.5

    Fixed sound effect to be 8 seconds long now.

    Made center sprite always face user.

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