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Thread: deprodigy is a failboat

  1. Default deprodigy is a failboat

    never seen this guy in my 5 or so months playing on this server, but he comes in and tells me to be quiet, to go to the vent server, all because i killed him after the round was over, and he slayed me, he said it was immature. so because i failed to see his logic for killing someone after the point of a round is over, i argued, said fuck you, THEN he banned *CHUM* J-Rock instead of me, while my name at the time was *CHUM* J-Cock aka rofls, i doubt that he will unban J-Rock because he probably thinks were in a clan or something, but we just put that there because were british, anyway, deprodigy is a little bitch, peace out im going to afghanistan

    p.s. please unban r-rock

    have a nice day, peace love and boobies

  2. Default

    I played 5 maps with you kid. I gave you multiple warnings for being a loudmouth dick. then you proceeded to team attack me, first I used server slay and you said .are you going for # 1 rank ? it don't matter! then don't slay" I say no I don't appreciate being tk'd period. then you run your mouth. I feel sick to my stomach knowing kids like you are going over. you have a lot of growing up to do and I hope you take your 24 hour ban to think about what you really should be fighting for. and j was unbanned for my mistake. you weren't cause you are a bad boy. man these sure are desperate times.
    edit: why are birts going to afgan? I thought you quit?? just go home we'll take care of it like we do.
    Last edited by deprodigy; 04-27-2009 at 10:24 PM. Reason: brit?

  3. Default

    lol you think just america is going to afghanistan, funny. its a game, if i team attacked you previous maps it was a mistake and i have some growing up to do, please its a game, if you take it serious you need to prioritize your life, im sorry if your upset because you get attacked by your own team in a game

  4. Default

    The point is don't do anything to piss off the people who work hard to keep these servers running. Just folow the rules, and everything will be fine.

  5. Default

    he doesn't play in the server enough for me, who plays in the server daily to see him, for him to come in and try to run the server, is just crap, the server wouldnt be anything without people to play in, so maybe he thought i was obnoxious but most people in the server know me, for him to be the single authority to say, bye bye, is just bullshit, if he wants to play in a "mature" gungame server that doesnt team attack, then maybe he should look for a different server, i totally respect the people that keep the server running i joke around with alot of admins, but when he started making threats, was just bullshit, be proactive, not reactive

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by roflsandstuff View Post
    he doesn't play in the server enough for me, who plays in the server daily to see him, for him to come in and try to run the server, is just crap,

    He doesn't play enough in the server for you!?! Are you serious?

    He is IBIS clan and does help run this server. He is not just an Admin he is "IBIS Clan" which is the highest level of authority here next to Zero (the founder).

    We have to many kids breaking rules and running their mouths in all of the servers. Most Admins and Clan members are cracking down. None of this should be a problem if you show respect to your fellow players and follow the rules.

    Your obviously to new to have any clue how things run around here. You could have started this thread before running your mouth in game. Take the ban and learn from it.

    Also could you post this sort of thing in the right section next time?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post
    He doesn't play enough in the server for you!?! Are you serious?

    He is IBIS clan and does help run this server. He is not just an Admin he is "IBIS Clan" which is the highest level of authority here next to Zero (the founder).

    We have to many kids breaking rules and running their mouths in all of the servers. Most Admins and Clan members are cracking down. None of this should be a problem if you show respect to your fellow players and follow the rules.

    Your obviously to new to have any clue how things run around here. You could have started this thread before running your mouth in game. Take the ban and learn from it.

    Also could you post this sort of thing in the right section next time?
    a crackdown is in effect
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  8. Default

    Deprod's avatar has a lot of room for improvement, too.

  9. Default

    Deprodigy has been here more than 99 percent of people in this community. You have alot of nerve talking shit when you dont know what the hell you're talking about.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by -=NYS=- C.O. View Post
    Deprodigy has been here more than 99 percent of people in this community. You have alot of nerve talking shit when you dont know what the hell you're talking about.
    Right on.

    NY i think your avatar is getting old to

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