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Thread: Not another one!

  1. #1

    Cool Not another one!

    Shit, he found us... I know you're all thinking it...
    Yes it is I, the one and only. I play in gg, your server is my favorite I've found. I'm definitely not the best with only 3 wins under my belt in... What... 2, maybe 3 months? But hey, I'm driving you nuts all ready with my ugly mug amirite! Im on in a lot of my free time, building my new PC on the 11th, parts arriving this week, and I'm hoping it'll give me a Lil more edge, I'm on my fiances laptop ATM (she can't wait to have it back lol) so ye be warned! Uhhh what else... Real name Brian, a lot of my free time is wastes with you people. I'm on a 24hr shift schedule so you won't see me for a day or so. What's up!

  2. Default

    Welcome, be sure to try out Pub and Zm

  3. Default

    Welcome Lorde Something

  4. Default

    Welcome to the forums.

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