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Thread: TrainerBlack item banned for 2-3 weeks now for no reason (please read)

  1. Default TrainerBlack item banned for 2-3 weeks now for no reason (please read)

    Name in Game: TrainerBlack
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26395275
    Who banned you: Unknown admin
    When: I dont know the exact date but it was for about 2-3 weeks
    Where: Zombie+ server
    Link to Ban: My ban was undocumented, no paperwork or proof for why I should be banned, I already searched using the URL provided

    Other reason to Unban:
    After playing on this server for a large amount of time, I figured out that I was item restricted for the past 2-3 weeks of playing whenever I would try to pick up an item. I just found out today that the reason I couldnt pick up anything was because of my Item restrict. I don't ever remember abusing or trolling with special items, I used them as accordingly, all i could remember is some admin complaining that the cts we're taking all the items in one of the maps, and I believe that is why I was item banned. There have been so many times when my team relied on me to pick up an item and we had to leave it behind because of this. I've been using the items on maps as they should be because all I want best is to assure my team victory. This is my honest and genuine appeal and if the admin that banned me has not reported or documented any legitimate reason as why I should be item banned, I believe that I should be unbanned from items. Thank you for reading and I hope you see eye to eye with my reasoning here.

  2. Default

    Item bans or "ebans" for entwatch bans are a completely different animal. You're going to have to wait until the admin who restricted your item use either comes forward with a reason behind it or an ULA/clan will overturn the ban.

    Most likely though it won't be.
    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    Also, fuck u swagbot, stop making fucking sense... I hate agreeing with you.

  3. Default

    I cant find any documentation either on your ban (that documentation isnt available to normal users, thats why you cant find it). Likely you will be unbanned by clan. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    What wont happen swag? You weren't clear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  4. Default

    I knew you were having trouble getting Items, but had no clue this was going on. Ive played quite a bit with you and never seen you do anything stupid. Hopefully clan sees this.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  5. Default

    Thank you so much Bros! Really brings a smile to my face knowing that people like you help the community get better and actually help players rather then abandoning them :P

  6. Default

    Reading the entwatch thread in the admin section stars, it states that most likely any ebans documentation or not, will barely come out in the accuseds favor.
    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post
    Also, fuck u swagbot, stop making fucking sense... I hate agreeing with you.

  7. Default

    HorriblyNice, please add a poll by going to thread tools, and add poll.
    (The polls are for ULA and CLAN to vote on, to document these sorts of threads. Makes it much easier to come back to later on to see what the conclusion was)

    I want to say that, seeing how a LOT of ZM admins don't check forums, I would say unban his item ban.
    Unless the admin that banned him for it (highly unlikely) comes forward and explains the situation.

    TL;DR?? (lazy) My vote is to unban and tell all admins to keep an eye on him

    And for the admins banning items (not tattle-telling..just to document), so we could avoid these situations where it's hard to prove innocence or deny the unban.
    Last edited by minjae; 07-18-2015 at 02:58 PM.

  8. Default

    I think its more along the lines that its unclear where we are supposed to document item bans(and that we should), There are like 3 people in that thread, even then the way its formatted its hard to tell. And for some reason we also have it behind a wall (ie, admin thread).

    But yea reporting ebans as a normal user will help us out keep things straight until we get a better system

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    Honestly it's pretty simple. Item ban someone, save the demo, write who you banned, what time, what map, and reason, as well as ticks.

    Just copy the perma ban threads or any of the ban threads.
    Like so..

    Item ban
    Name: minjae
    Time: 5:27PM
    Map: ZM_ibisgamingforum (you know which map)
    Reason: (For being such a good ULA)
    Tick: Joins at 50k.
    Item aboose at 55k, 60k and 72k

    Attachment: (

  10. Default

    I will also agree with Minjae because the admin that supposedly banned him isn't coming forward. We should just unban him and then create an easier way to report eBans so we can have a log of all of them.

    And swag it doesn't matter if it doesn't normally come out in the accuser's favor, and if that's the case then admins shouldn't be doing it unless it's an extreme case. They need to learn from other peoples mistakes. Unfortunately I know most people don't do this which is a shame
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

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