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Thread: J'zargo(fuck you) 07-28-15 21:12

  1. Default

    Posting a second request after the first one was clearly denied, must seem like a good idea right.

    Stop spinning your wheels because your not getting anywhere, do us all a favor and grow up.

  2. #22


    so we got
    a secon unban thread after his furst one was denied
    a lot of disrespect
    An useless but funny rage-mode-made perma ban request about phil

  3. Default

    The amusement we're getting from this guys actions. Priceless

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by rawrr View Post
    The amusement we're getting from this guys actions. Priceless
    Yab lol but hes not very polite

  5. Default

    Man I was even nice to him saying his 1day ban was bullshit, and he just attacked me in the last thread, did he really want to be unbanned?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  6. Default

    My favorite part is that he said he was gonna buy admin on an alt account

  7. Default

    I reduced it back down to his 2 days.
    So to recap, it was 4 hours, upgraded to 1 day due to ban history. Upgraded to 2 days due to clan disrespect and utter annoyance, then upgraded to perma. But i felt bad for the dude. So downgraded back down to 2 days.

    Unbind your +left/+right thingy and dont break server rules. I dont wanna see your name again on ban list.

    Unban request denied. Closed.
    And stop making unban request threads. I will deny each one, and keep upgrading your ban.

  8. #28


    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    We're sorry. We are currently experiencing unusual high hold times. The next available agent will be with you shortly.

    Thank you for holding, this is Kasp3r Customer Service Representative for Ibisgaming, one moment while i bring up your account and check on what seems to be the issue....Ok, let's see...from what i gather you seem to have been banned for 2 days for ignoring admins. Ouch tsk tsk tsk you should always listen to admins...let's see what i can do moment i'm gonna place you on a brief hold ok :3 thnx


    Thank you for holding, sorry for the long wait. I was just going over some info on your account and your request. Upon further investigation it shows that you have been rude to admins and have even gone so far as to call them unfortunately, due to your recent behavior we're gonna have to let the ban stand. however, your ban should expire within the next 24 hours :3 is there anything else i can further assist you with today? For further inquiries please feel free to post again on our forums at, you can also speak to an admin in-game or on steam chat; but remember, try to be calm and courteous to our admins so that you can get the best possible assistance for any and all of your questions, problems, and ibisgaming needs. On behalf of Ibisgaming i'd like to thank you for playing on one of our many servers and we truly appreciate your patronage <3 have a wonderful day and game on. bai bai

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