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Thread: [-NF-] John Rambo ban for 7 days

  1. Default [-NF-] John Rambo ban for 7 days

    Players name: [-NF-] John Rambo
    Players steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15884487
    Admin: inthebutt|ibis.a

    John Rambo has been warned multiple times by myself and other ZM admins about gay sprays. Today he decided to spray one on the map lila_town. He has had plenty of chances and warnings, today I decided to ban him for 7 days and proceeded to tell him if he did it again after this ban I would put in a perm ban request on him. I have a demo of himself and his spray.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  2. Default

    ROFL! I was just talking to him to the map prior to lila_town. I said I haven't seen him in ages and ask what's been up to and yaddi yadda. He showed me that spray to which I laughed (and in the back of my head I knew he's gonna get in shit for that). Oh John Rambo. Not even an hour that you've returned to only be banned once again.

  3. Default

    this guy has beena nuscents for like the last 6-8 months.

    ive ban him like 5-6 times, and last time i ban him he was ban for a month and zer0 unban him.

    could have perm his faggot anoying ass, i got 2 pms today from jeiz and my younger brother, who plays im the zm

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by THE HOLY SH**T! View Post
    this guy has beena nuscents for like the last 6-8 months.

    ive ban him like 5-6 times, and last time i ban him he was ban for a month and zer0 unban him.

    could have perm his faggot anoying ass, i got 2 pms today from jeiz and my younger brother, who plays im the zm
    I've never played with him in game, but I still have no respect for him due to his actions on the forums

    Oh, and I thought he was dead...

  5. Default

    Zer0 if you continue to let players like john rambo play in the server, it will get more anoying.

    It actually has gotten better tbh, koolayed gone ( i think ) and rambo would be much less more of a shit hole.

  6. Default

    This player has only one goal in mind, to disrupt and destroy the IBIS ZM server. It's not fair to the admins who are on at the time when he joins the server. Most admins I know have to move themselves to spectate when he joins, just to babysit him and make sure he's following rules. its not fair to the rest of the players as well when john rambo is interrupting the game play. One player causes this much trouble for the ZM server.

    I think it would be a great idea for any ZM admin to demo everything that john rambo does, everytime he joins. You guys really wanna get rid of him, than start demoing. He's bound to come back from this 7 day ban with the same mind set, disrupting game play on the ZM server.

    Zero, I know you have finals this week. But next week when your all finished aceing your finals, will you please come in the ZM server when john rambo's ban is up and experience the disruptive game play of his.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  7. Default

    well unban him, spec him and take a demo for the perm request next week.
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 05-07-2009 at 06:20 AM.
    Edit: Valve AND Zero would find a way to screw up a steel ball.

    I have never seen any other server that used to be so much fun to play on just get so properly rammed into the ground by one person's lazyness, incompetence and inability to grasp how to properly run a server.

  8. Default

    I love how he said he would change, and has gotten worst.

    Everytime i connect server when he's on, he says my name, then something nice, or try's start a conversation then leaves, because he knows i don't fool around.... - HARD ASS FTW.

  9. Default

    I've seen his name too much over over the years. why? john rambo is tagged for perm.

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