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Thread: need help with the parachute

  1. Default need help with the parachute

    I just got a new keyboard because my old keyboard got messed up
    i realized my E wasn't working properly so I tried this command
    bind e "buy_parachute"
    something like this
    instead, it will appear as
    ROBOT 3017 says: buy_parachute

    so the command isn't working even when i tried to bind it to the u key.

    I wonder how can i fix this problem
    because i can neither push nor parachute


  2. Default

    Try pressing f10.

  3. Default

    The parachute is not a special command it just is linked to what ever key your "use item" key is binded to. All you need to do is go into keyboard options in counterstrike and scroll down to miscellaneous the first should be the "use item" option select a key and click apply. Then when ever you are in the air just hold down the key and you will deploy the parachute.

  4. Default

    As ripper have put it, You're supposed to type "parachute" while in mid air.

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