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Thread: muppet.ibis.a unwarranted gag for 30 mins

  1. Default muppet.ibis.a unwarranted gag for 30 mins

    Admin's INGAME name: muppet.ibis.a
    You're INGAME name: toma
    Server: GG
    Map: gg_deagle5_4hm
    Date & Time: 9/18/15 ~16:40 est

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS): gagged me for 30 mins because he couldn't understand with tracert was, also, no warning.
    he was bitching throughout the game how he was laggy and his internet was shitty. i asked him if he's done a tracert to the server to see where the spikes were happening if any. he immediately becomes combative saying he knew what he was doing. i asked him then where was it spiking, then he proceeded to call me a dumbass and such. (ps. he couldn't tell me where the latency issues were if any from the tracert) then he proceeds to tell me that latency and ping were the same thing when i tried to explain to him, that it wasn't. he continues to say stupid shit. i asked him to do another tracert to the server to see if there are any issues between hops to the server, *note i'm still trying to help the douchebag. he said he can tracert to the server, but it only returns 1 hop. i tell him either he's doing it wrong or something is wrong. he gags me and says more trash to me cause i can't reply back to him. i didn't say rude shit till he disrespected me.

    @muppet read this
    the numbers tell you latency if you have numbers spiking into 3 or 4 digits you may have issues on the route you're taking to the server, if it's at your ISP there may be a routing issue at your ISP that they need to fix. if it's between major hops such as lvl3 or comcast then there's an issue going on between them and you're pretty much SOL until it's fixed cause the ISP is not going to reroute your traffic for latency issues to a CS server.

    Proof: .muppet.dem start around tick 18000, gag occurs around the end of the map
    Last edited by toma; 09-18-2015 at 05:11 PM.

  2. Default

    one hop? Man I wish my computer was on the server's lan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  3. Default

    lol for cereal

  4. Default

    "How did he/she abuse (See TOS): gagged me for 30 mins because he couldn't understand with tracert was, also, no warning."

    How was there no warning? I told you numerous times to shut up. Your "expertise" is running your fingers before running your brain.

    You mentally retarded dipshit. Because you are incapable of listening I will dumb this down. I stated from the get go that I had to do a tracert to another server over a year ago because there were issues 2-3 hops before the server. I had just run a tracert earlier in the afternoon and there were no issues. The issues started around 3pm and are still occuring. You got gagged for being a retard and not comprehending that I've been using and troubleshooting internet issues since the age of dialup. The issue (178ms hop) is in Washington DC, which has nothing to do with my connection.

    "i asked him to do another tracert to the server to see if there are any issues between hops to the server, *note i'm still trying to help the douchebag. he said he can tracert to the server, but it only returns 1 hop." You need to get your hearing checked little dude. I said that MY FIRST HOP is 60ms which is super high for being in town. I had already run multiple tracerts before you even chimed in. You contributed nothing that had not been already done and when I told you to shut the fuck up you kept rambling on and on being of no use. This was the second reason for the gag.

    Ask anybody around. I don't abuse admin. However if you keep prattling on being useless to the situation you will get muted or gagged or silenced. This prevented me from tearing you a new asshole in the nicest way possible.

    1. Get your ears checked
    2. Don't inject yourself into a conversation and offer your "expertise (rofl)" when everything you said that needed to be done has already been done.
    3. You can't troll a troll.
    Last edited by Shithead; 09-19-2015 at 02:29 AM.

  5. Default

    you didn't say shut up or anything of that nature in the demo at all, you did say "fucken retard" a lot though, which is why i made the abuse thread for no warning. i coulda also made one for you being disrespectful.
    you never said your first hop was 60 ms in the demo, you never replied with the issue saying that it was a hop in DC. and i'm not asking you about your tracert that you did over a year ago. great you know how to type in tracert into command i said you don't know what it means not how to type it in, when you said latency and ping were the same thing, and yeah....the hop to dc could possibly be with your ISP connection. if it isn't routed properly it might take a different route or can't make the proper drop of a hop to use an alternate route from your isp. i'm not saying that this is what it is, i'm saying it is a possibility.
    Tracert is only 1 tool for testing internet/network connectivity not the end all be all (so not everything that needed to be done was done if that was the only thing you did). trace route wasn't mentioned at all in that demo until i brought it up, then when you eloquently put it that you've already done one, i asked where the spikes were occurring, which you didn't answer. then you went off on how ping this ping that, and i told you that ping and latency are two different things.

    oh, and when you said that nothing, i thought you were replying to my question about how many hops since you said it after i asked that question, not the spikes, so for that i apologize.

    and i really wasn't trolling you, i was genuinely trying to help, but if you took it that way, that's cool. but yeah again. you never said half the things you said up there, and after you gagged me you still talked trash at me, knowing that i couldn't reply. That just shows what kind of person you are.

    Good Day.

  6. Default

    Have you guys checked your printer cables?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by StarsMine View Post
    Have you guys checked your printer cables?
    Damn, I knew I forgot something

  8. Default

    Money, if you are not involved, do not post.

  9. Default

    Lack of communication. Warn/gag/kick/ban.

    No abuse found.

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