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Thread: Look where koolayed has also been banned.

  1. #1

    Default Look where koolayed has also been banned.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by XxMastagunzxX View Post
    this was probably before koolayed started playing ZM on the IBIS servers. if you look at the dates on those forum post its from last year in march.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    this was probably before koolayed started playing ZM on the IBIS servers. if you look at the dates on those forum post its from last year in march.
    I know.

  4. Default

    So he got banned from that server, came here and got banned, god I feel sorry for the next server that has to deal with his ass now.
    Edit: Valve AND Zero would find a way to screw up a steel ball.

    I have never seen any other server that used to be so much fun to play on just get so properly rammed into the ground by one person's lazyness, incompetence and inability to grasp how to properly run a server.

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