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Thread: James' Application

  1. Default

    well james would be a good adition too the team a guess i list some things cuz potato killed me in css and i left
    -hes on alot
    -he keeps it a peace (most the time)
    -he doesent abuse his admin (which is a good sign)
    -he'd be a good atition to the ibis group
    Last edited by ceiling cat!; 05-27-2009 at 04:05 PM.

  2. Smile

    James knows his shit.

  3. Default

    he's been around for awhile, he knows his shit and he's no navy seal (the 4 year old admin bridge blower and in general pain in the ass that everyone bitched at till' he finally left) so I say let him in.
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 05-28-2009 at 08:38 AM.
    Edit: Valve AND Zero would find a way to screw up a steel ball.

    I have never seen any other server that used to be so much fun to play on just get so properly rammed into the ground by one person's lazyness, incompetence and inability to grasp how to properly run a server.

  4. Default

    James is the best player on IBIS Zm that Plays regularly,
    I have no clue how good he is on any other server, because all i play is IBIS Zm.
    He should definitely be accepted. He's always on, Or at least, alot.
    Hes a serious player, not some stupid 12 year old jackass.
    He has maturity, skill and knowledge. He knows what he's doing.
    Xenn<3: if your getting old then I am old
    Rob | Ibis.a: Older women are yum though.
    Rob | Ibis.a: so its cool.
    Xenn<3: oh dear jesus lol
    (ADMIN) aNex <ibis>: You are the super senior admin first class with three ranks above other admins.
    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    o.O dude, you're fucking dead. i don't think posting photoshopped pics of zero's mother sleeping with the pope would even come CLOSE to taking on rob.

  5. Default

    James is fucking awesome. Probably one of the most dedicated zm players on ibis and a fair admin.

  6. Default

    I see no reason James shouldn't be in IBIS

    He has

    - Top notch skills
    - High maturity
    - All around good, nice guy
    - Isn't an asshole


    Not having him would be a foolish mistake.

    (also, Ripper, just because I can take a joke doesn't mean people have to lower their standards around me) :P

  7. Default

    Finally got a chance to play with James for the first time last night.... and I gotta say he seems like a great guy and great admin. I think with enough time and patience he would make a great addition to the IBIS community.

  8. Default

    I played for the first time, technically, in Zombie Mod.

    It was indeed quite interesting.

    I was skeptical to play, because I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

    James sat and talked to me for a bit, since he was in spec to watch for cade breakers and hackers.

    He finally convinced me to play, and said he would help me get used to it.

    We spent about 4-5 maps, Ender, James and I, of basically them showing me what to do, how to do it, and what do to when something bad happens.

    He was very patient.

    Very understanding.

    And all the while he was with me, he didn't falter in keeping an eye on everyone else.

    The cade breakers, etc.

    At any rate.

    Where I was going with that is this:

    James is a very helpful, very patient guy.

    His temper doesn't flare, from what I've witnessed, and he is quite calm and clear headed.

    This is a type of guy ibis needs, sorry to say Whyt, but you don't cut it anymore.


    If you don't know him, take the chance to.

    He's a good kid.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  9. Default

    owwwwwwwwieeeesssss !!!!!

  10. Default let him in

    -He is a good admin he does no bullshit like kids
    -he is mature
    -one of my friends that show me stuff and can help other players
    -i can pm him and he's comes fast and does his job on the spot like when epic balls of fail cade breaked
    -why not let him in he is a reg and helps populate
    -he gives a bit of his free time to help ppl

    plz have you seen everyone elses he is full of potential

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