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Thread: Admin Abuse Rawr-Voice off Ibis.a

  1. Default Admin Abuse Rawr-Voice off Ibis.a

    Admin's INGAME name: Rawr-Voice off Ibis.a
    You're INGAME name: BloodNinja
    Map: GunGame Mod+
    Date & Time: ~1:50 am Est.

    I rejoined 3 or 4 times because I was not very happy with my score. At the start of the round the admin (there were at least 2) would slay/kick me at the start of the round this lasted for about 5 minutes, before I was banned. I had asked what rule I had broken(and double checked the motd) but no admin responded until I was banned with a message saying I could not reconnect to the game multiple times. At no point did I reconnect in the same round evading death or any cheating like such.
    Normally I wouldn't care so much about power tripping admins, but I really do enjoy the lag-free gun game server.

    I would appreciate someone looking into this.

    Thank you

  2. Default

    Read the rules for the server, before reporting abuse on an admin

    -Exploiting the handicap by leaving and rejoining is not allowed. Any form of rank manipulation will not be tolerated.

    Right after i slayed you i said in chat, DO NOT REJOIN, which is pretty self explanatory. If you were typing to Wallet and I while you were dead and we were both alive then we could not see what you were typing. We did this for 2 maybe 3 rounds before banning, you should have gotten the hint by then but you obviously did not understand

    Also, This is in the wrong section therefore it will be disregarded anyway.
    Admin abuse threads are posted in the Admin abuse section..

  3. Default

    I asked in all chat while alive what rule I had violated.

    While I was in the server no one informed me of any rules. I checked the MOTD which did not specify anything, and was repeatedly kicked...before being banned for a rule that I was not even informed about.

    I would appreciate someone looking into this.

    Thank you

  4. #4


    Wrong section. Will review demo when I get home, please post. Till then please repost in the correct section. :3

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodNinja View Post
    I rejoined 3 or 4 times because I was not very happy with my score.
    -Exploiting the handicap by leaving and rejoining is not allowed. Any form of rank manipulation will not be tolerated.

    That is the rule you broke, i told you DO NOT REJOIN and you did it multiple times after that. That is why you were slain repeatedly and that is why you were eventually banned.
    How many times do i have to say it before you get it through your head??

  6. Default

    It seems like you got the ban for rejoining the server. When you leave and return it resets your score, and can change the lvl gun you are on. It was a 30 min ban that has expired, in the future please refrain from leaving and rejoining to improve your score. It is considered rank manipulation, and therefor is a bannable offense.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  7. Default

    Thank you for explaining to me Rosie. I wish I had been informed earlier during the match. Perhaps an admin should close this thread? I made a new one in the correct forum as Kasp3r advised.

  8. #8


    Rutro im the one who banned him :P

  9. #9


    This issue has already been resolved. Thread should be closed. Users "should" know the rule about leaving now.

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