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Thread: The Grudge 3 *NO SPOILERS*

  1. #1

    Default The Grudge 3 *NO SPOILERS*

    I recently bought this newly released direct to dvd. I thought it was going to suck because it didn't make it into theaters. I was wrong. In my opinion this is the best movie of the series. This is the best direct to dvd movie that I have personally ever seen.

    Has anyone else seen it?

    I fucking love music
    Rip Paul Gray

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  2. Default

    Are you serious ? I downloaded it the other day and it was the worst out of all 3.

  3. Default

    What are you talking about, there was nothing scary about the films in the first place, it was all just stupid scares.
    Edit: Valve AND Zero would find a way to screw up a steel ball.

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  4. Default

    my dick, was on the double featured screen. yo dick, went straight to dvd.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by whytboiz33 View Post
    my dick, was on the double featured screen. yo dick, went straight to dvd.
    Shut up.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by -=NYS=- C.O. View Post
    Are you serious ? I downloaded it the other day and it was the worst out of all 3.
    Yes I am serious
    I fucking love music
    Rip Paul Gray

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