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Thread: Remove Some Maps

  1. #1

    Default Remove Some Maps

    Last edited by Wallet; 02-11-2016 at 07:15 PM.

  2. Default

    That's not how you request a map removal, there are procedures for things like this. On top of that, the reason those maps are nominated all the time is because people like them, doesn't matter how you or a handful of people feel about it. That goes for deagle as well. You may love it, but there are a handful of people who hate it. Should we remove it because that handful of people don't like it? No, of course not. There are maps I hate but others love but you don't see me requesting their removal.

  3. Default

    Wallet take a look at this please.

  4. Default

    Goddamnit Wallet.

    And there are already enough deagle maps, not like we ever play them back to back *achoo* deagle5 *achoo* minesweeper *achoo* texture deagle

  5. Default

    get rid of deagle and blue arena

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