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Thread: AYyyy

  1. Default AYyyy

    Heyy everyone its JigglyPuff / Wasabi :3 i had to get a new steam and everything :c cuz i forgot the Email i used and now back to Leveling WCS Server :x and im back to playing Now

  2. Default

    Welcome back Wasabi....I'm not calling you JigglyPuff

  3. Default

    >.< WHY! :c ok fine!

  4. Default

    Hello and welcome to the forums.

  5. Default

    hello wasabi, glad to see you back!
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Joker View Post
    hello wasabi, glad to see you back!
    Thanks Joker

  7. Default

    Hello and Welcome back

  8. Default

    Hello and welcome, glad that your back

  9. Default

    Thanks guys glad to be back again ..

  10. Default

    Welcome back I guess? lol

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