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Thread: kionay 04-03-16 23:15

  1. #1

    Default kionay 04-03-16 23:15

    Name in Game: kionay <ibis>
    Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:49663030
    Who banned you: Jiggypuff
    When: 04-03-16 23:15
    Where: WCS
    Why banned: Ignoring Admins
    Link to ban: right here

    Other/Reason to unban: Uhh, apparently I was ignoring him/her? chat scrolls so much in wcs i guess i wasn't attention, no voice chat was used, and I was never kicked.

    Wait... upon further investigation(and MRW).... yeah I had the tags mixed up. I coulda sworn that <ibis> was the common rabble and without the <> was for clan

    i apologize deeply, my memory is shitty, it won't happen again <3 <3
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  2. Default

    Well Now you know better not to wear the Ibis Clan Tag when your not even a clan member and i told u in admin chat and writing to take off the tag but Phil hes clan .. Im pretty sure your unban Request will get Rejected .

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by JigglyPuff View Post
    Well Now you know better not to wear the Ibis Clan Tag when your not even a clan member and i told u in admin chat and writing to take off the tag but Phil hes clan .. Im pretty sure your unban Request will get Rejected .
    what does Phil have to do with this?

    wait was that person saying stuff quietly over their mic Phil? I thought that was just some person rambling or talking to someone in spec lmao XD This happend like an hour ago and i can't remember? I think I might need to see a doctor. I haven't played in like a year, all this shit has just fallen outta my head XD
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  4. Default

    Well Phil Is Clan . And I told You to change your name. And he messaged me saying to ban you for 3 days.. So What Ever Clan says we have to do. its only 3 days go to a doctor xD

  5. Default

    unless phil states other wise since he supposedly was the one to approve this, only him or zero can unban you. we'll see you in a few days. Otherwise closed for now.
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  6. Default

    I doubt kionay did any of this intentionally.

    I imagine something got lost in translation.

  7. Default

    kionay, given you have over 300 hours logged into our wcs server, ranked top 20 and have been an admin here previously, for few month actually it's kind of hard to "<ibis>" and any other public gaming tags we have. Hence i told jiggly to give you a ban to see if you could even get banned. If he could not ban you, that would mean you have bought admin and just gotten <ibis.a> and <ibis> mixed up, which would have been understandable. But you did not even have admin, both tags should not even been worn by you...

    I will unban you if you answer me this. Why do you have two accounts? And why one of them were played after your first 3 day ban...

    I am re-opening thread.

  8. #8


    Yeah I haven't played in such a long time that when i hopped on some wires in mah brain got crossed and i thought there were 3 tags, normal, admin, and clan. i dun goofed.
    and as an extra kick in my own ass i didn't check the forum because i thought to myself "how can i fuck up tags of all things?"

    the two accounts thing weirded me out too, it says there are two STEAM ids... but they're in different formats, and they both pull up the same steam account on
    maybe steam is doing some id majiggering i'm not sure

    (after some looking)
    the new one is the new "modern" format, and the ones starting with STEAM_ are the legacy format, at least that's what i found here
    maybe there is a glitch with banning a legacy format and it deciding to use the new format? really no idea how steam handles its steam ids.

    "ranked top 20"
    i read that and i was like... that can't be right, shit looking at the one profile i don't even recognize my own stats

    fuck i've been off for so long it's like looking at a different person O.o
    Last edited by kionay; 04-04-2016 at 02:17 PM.
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  9. Default

    Did you just let the ID swap thing valve pulled mess you up phil?
    We all have two accounts according to physcostats.

    Neither of those accounts played after the ban
    One says last seen @ 22:48:36
    The other says seen @ 22:59:34

    The Ban was @ 23:00:xx

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  10. Default

    Thank you everyone for the clarification. My phone showed me 22:00 instead of 23:00 about the two accounts being banned. Forget I even said that, as U account does link back up to your regular account.

    Yes, <ibis.a> admins, <ibis> clan. Dunno what other tag you are talking about.

    Unban request approved.

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