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Thread: Random banning of people affiliated with smuT

  1. Default Random banning of people affiliated with smuT

    This has been going on the past few days that admins have been threatening or banning members of smuT or people who mention or even play in the smuT server. I was wondering why this is occurring since i was accused of advertising when i even mentioned the name and was getting messages that Chelsea wanted me to be banned claiming to other admins that i was advertising even though the entire server stated i was not. I was asking a few admins on other ibis server and they said they heard nothing about it. I think it would greatly decrease population and the fun of ibis servers if this occurs, many of the smuT members pay for admin on ibis and are good players. I personally play on both servers and love the change of pace and don't want to see any one get banned for just being apart of a clan or another server. Zero if you could clarify what is going or if this is just admin abuse it would be appreciated.


    I joined the gungame server and was instantly banned by chelsea, she was trying to ban me earlier and made up a b.s. reason. I recorded a demo because i was afraid she would do it, it was only a few seconds long but she just banned me for no reason. I also want to state that i am not even a member of smuT and the fact that people are banning for no reason is ridiculous, i have played on gungame for 7 months now and zombie mod for over 2 years. If the ban stays well i guess it was fun playing with you all.

    date banned may 26,2009 at 11:29 pm
    Last edited by silent; 05-26-2009 at 10:31 PM.

  2. Default

    if its a banning of people affiliated with smut, how would you call it random?

    your smut clan members will not be tolerated on our servers. you decided to burn your bridge and advertise ur server on IBIS. after i banned matter for seeing it my self first hand and 2 other of your members, i was informed that you guys do this habitualy. on a nightly basis. i was also informed you advertise our members in steam. you add random players in the IBIS servers via players list through the steam in game windows.

    your game is done.

    i didnt bother to read your post.

  3. Default

    if its a banning of people affiliated with smut, how would you call it random?

    your smut clan members will not be tolerated on our servers. you decided to burn your bridge and advertise ur server on IBIS. after i banned matter for seeing it my self first hand and 2 other of your members, i was informed that you guys do this habitualy. on a nightly basis. i was also informed you advertise our members in steam. you add random players in the IBIS servers via players list through the steam in game windows.

    your game is done.

    i didnt bother to read your post.
    First off i have never advertised once on your server. Second i am not even apart of smuT which i have made clear over and over again. I can understand you want to ban players for advertising but the actions of a few players does not mean that all ppl are spamming your server. You claim that ppl are adding random players who why have you not banned those people? You personally played with me multiple times on smuT and ibis we bounced back and forth on both servers and most smuT players are active ibis players and donate. This personally disagreement between you and matter should not spread to people who have done nothing. The fact that you ignored my post is sad if you do not want people to play on your server that is fine i will find another one i just wanted to state my point. Have fun with a pointless show of force to your players.

  4. Default

    i had the same relationship with matter as i did with you. i gave him tips and advise on his pc and graphics card. we also bounced from server to server. but he proved to me that servers derived ibis will always turn against ibis.

    it didnt start with me and matter. it began when behind my back, smut was advertsing their server on a nightly basis.

    as for you personally, i know youre not in smut and you dont do the clan thing. however, you you are a very smart person, i give it to you. you have not stated you IP in the ibis server, however you do recruit people to join your server through steam.

    this isn not an issue with people who play ibis AND smut. this is an issue with smut sympathizers and people who think... regulars need tips on where to play. you are one of them.

    i see your point, maybe if you let ur hair grow out you can cover it up.

  5. Default

    hi whytboiz <33

  6. Default

    You were demo'ed admitting that you were adding people on the player list and messaging them about the smuT server.

    And I banned you for that reason.

    So it was hardly random.

    And you're an admin on smuT, so how are you not associated with them?

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  7. Default

    whats up purto rican peewee herman.

  8. Default

    i had the same relationship with matter as i did with you. i gave him tips and advise on his pc and graphics card. we also bounced from server to server. but he proved to me that servers derived ibis will always turn against ibis.

    it didnt start with me and matter. it began when behind my back, smut was advertsing their server on a nightly basis.

    as for you personally, i know youre not in smut and you dont do the clan thing. however, you you are a very smart person, i give it to you. you have not stated you IP in the ibis server, however you do recruit people to join your server through steam.

    this isn not an issue with people who play ibis AND smut. this is an issue with smut sympathizers and people who think... regulars need tips on where to play. you are one of them.

    i see your point, maybe if you let ur hair grow out you can cover it up.

    I have NEVER EVER and ill repeat that add some one and give the IP for smuT. I play on both servers because they are different one is elimination and one is not. I was asked by matter to help out because he needed some help with server information which i know a lot about. I have no reason to leach people off of ibis i have plenty of friends that play css which would populate the server if i asked but i have yet to send out a single invite to the smuT server. Why? Because there is no reason too, i am not getting paid to do anything and i gain nothing from leaching players when i play on both servers. You and many of the other admins know i don't advertise the claim that i add people outside is a b.s. of an excuse in order to ban me for this personal battle. Ban the people who advertise, that's the way it should be but don't make this a personal battle to ban every one affiliated because of hurt feelings. The only thing you are doing is making regular players stop playing your server for no reason. Whytboiz23 if you think i am lying i am sorry you feel that way all i can say then if you won't listen to any reason is good luck, it was fun playing with you.

    You were demo'ed admitting that you were adding people on the player list and messaging them about the smuT server.

    And I banned you for that reason.

    So it was hardly random.

    And you're an admin on smuT, so how are you not associated with them?
    I was demoed adding people? Who please post that demo i would like to see who i added and asked to join smuT. You were not even in the server at the time yet you were claiming i was and asking walter to ban me for no reason. The entire events of what went on was i said "god my rank want to crap since i been playing at smuT" some one in game asked "what is smuT" i said "Its another server that i play on" vertus stated that any speaking of smuT would be banned, i asked him why he stated that zero made this rule and that was the end. I never added any one i never gave the ip or was trying to advertise i just checked my rank. As for being an admin i never said i was not associated with smuT i am not a clan member and gain nothing from advertising.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by smuT matteR View Post
    hi whytboiz <33

    You sure are brave.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  10. Default

    I have not witness any advertisement yet within the GG. I have seen smut players talk about there server but never advertise. When getting 2 messages that smut members were being ban, over a pointless argument which i have no idea what happen between whyt and matter..

    why ban just regular smut members, and not the 1's with admin? that seems a bit rediculous if you understand what i mean.Like...half the GG regulars are smut, or freinds with smut members that come and play ibis GG servers. Baning smut players, is just plan rediculous. If there spamming there advertising there server repeativley then it has to be stop... but telling 1 or 2 people about the server over ingame play, aint going to do much now.

    Don't forget the best competition is within smut, getting rid of them would make GG boring and a bigger shithole then cleveland will be when they lose the series to the magic.

    You know what, i play in smut GG and i like it more then ibis GG sorry... but it's more appealing to me. Wanna know how i found out, i was invited. Thats all the smut players have done in ibis is invite freinds, and people they know to try it out...

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