My in game names....damn, there are a lot.
Kill-matic Retard, Your cock, My eye socket, Ben & Jerry's Abortion Chunk and about a thousand others. I just prefer to be a bit anonymous. Because of this I get more than my fair share of "go fuck yourself" because people dont recognize me from day to day or map to map...and Im ok with this.
I finally had to register just because Im sick to death of stick up their ass little kids who have admin with the intent to be the ultimate griefers.
Today it was a guy named "Virtus Mother Russia" on zmod while playing lila panic redux.
I made a comment about him slapping himself and a buddy to the top of a white tank outside that is unreachable by common players. Some admins do this move and justify it with "Im not shooting, ill come down when im the last human" as if that really makes it more fair. Virtus and buddy were shooting with happy abandon as they told me to quit being a bitch, fuck off and go buy admin so I could do as I pleased. When I walked over to take a demo, and told him so he began to slap me in some attempt to block me from getting one. It worked, I have no decent demo to provide.
Nothing takes the fun out of any game like knowing the people who are supposed to be the arbiters of fair play and propper etiquette are the ones ruining the game, its like having to complain to crooked cops about other crooked cops.
So I guess the IBIS powers need to decide if this is really the goal of selling admin, to allow the worst griefers immunity to be shitheads and abuse anyone who calls them on it.
Some common admin bullshit like slapping themselves to invulnerable spots, slapping to the end of escape maps, slapping players off of high spots because a "normal" player got there first or just rushing certain high spot camps with slapping to deny us lowly schmucks a chance. This shit ruins the game, it may not be outright abuse and thus they get away with it ALL the time but cheating is fucking cheating and it makes people sad and want to cut themselves in dark rooms listening to emo albums.
End of line.