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Thread: Leave of absence from the ZM server

  1. Default Leave of absence from the ZM server

    I will be taking a leave of absence from the ZM server. Don't know for how long but its needed.

    lately play time in the ZM server has been nothing but being admin. I don't get anymore play time. There is really nothing wrong with the server, but things do need to be fixed. Everything that does need to be fixed is listed in the forums by many great ZM players.

    Zero and IBIS clan members, this is nothing personal against you guys. All three IBIS servers are really great to play on. I just wished the clan members would have been in ZM more often.

    As for all the regs and players who have become my friends, it will be missed cading it up with you guys. but it hasn't been the same. maybe time off from CS:S is what I need to get back in the mix.

    I'll still be in the forums, but I won't be admin in the ZM server anymore. I'm pretty sure the current admins will take really great care of the ZM server. Good luck guys your gonna need it and don't take any bullshit from anyone.

    It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully I'll be back and the new batch of admins won't be such dickheads.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  2. Default

    Inthebutt, I've been taking care of the admin position of the server, come in and play.

    Though I can't keep my admin work up without you though.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  3. Default

    I'm going to do the same, all of the regulars are gone and its just not fun to play here anymore.

    here's the list of all the old regulars we used to have on here at zmod and there current status for anyone who doesn't know who we're talking about.

    Sir Curdy: now in killing floor
    Pollyana: gone
    Cathy: gone
    X1 viper: gone
    Apocalipse: gone
    Zero: hardly plays it anymore, only comes on when we're on church of mint, probably due to the fact his comp was sabotaged
    sxeffects *pokerstars: gone
    Komrade Nagger: gone
    Vega: gone
    scatman :[: around, never on anymore
    Internet Badass ibis|a: gone
    »zlm« Sakarja: never on anymore
    E-THUGS Internet Crackstore: gone
    -=|2icochet=-<ibis.a>: gone / TimoXa.Ru <Ibis.a> : gone
    ceiling cat!: gone
    XxPaco_Le_TacoxX: gone
    [EcG] T-Unit: gone
    Lloyd: gone
    Rubber bullets in USE: gone
    Sir Wex: gone
    I Play CS With A Helmet On : gone
    Conan The Librarian: gone
    Shamil: gone
    »zlm« Mitch Connor: gone
    extreme poptart: gone

    and thats just a small sample of my 3,522 Player Victims who used to come here

    and all the regulars that ARE here are admins just watching over all these god damn kids (jojo, ichytriggerfinger, slasher and many others)
    and assholes (like clone, christmas, nomnomnom, epic balls of fail)

    and with no mute on the zmod server that makes it intolerable enough, and with parachutes enabled zombies just stumbe over people who are just trying to hide IE: me so I can't do anything but cade with these assholes
    (maybe if they we're disabled for cading maps it would be alright but it isn't in its current state)

    and the scoring system is far too forgiving now, 10 kills is 40 points instead of 15 maybe 20 points, now anyone can become the top dog without any real effort.
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 06-03-2009 at 01:04 PM.

  4. Default

    I'm amazed you remember Lloyd, he's one of my best friends on msn. Unfortunately he grew tired of zombie mod. He's a bit antisocial like myself, and usually just watches anime and plays Dota on Warcraft 3.

    Last night I muted Jojo. Next map Autumn muted her, she avoided the mute and was banned. One less mic spammer for awhile.

    But I know what your saying Kavinsky.. The only ones left who regularly come on now are lukey, hobo, me, and maybe 2-3 others. I'm usually in spec 70% of the time, like you mentioned.

    I might as well add my list of individuals who have moved on pretty much:
    mastagunz: Barely on/Gone
    Anex: Barely on
    3L3C7R0 [CBR<3!]: Gone
    MrBlack: Barely on
    xXbobertXx: Moved on to WoW (noob..)
    [C18]Raevin: Gone
    Vega: Gone
    USlSteath: Gone
    silent: Moved onto gungame
    .:Crazn:.: Gone
    Brave Little Toaster: Barely plays, moved onto L4D
    Pvt. Snowball: Gone
    [aDs] Danger Dan: Barely plays
    Fish: Moved onto gungame
    [IBIS Unicorn] Charlie: Gone
    nhsNUMBER75: Gone
    Vode: Gone
    Senlan: Gone
    Zansa: Talking to him every day but he refuses to play Zombie Mod saying its too easy and filled with idiots (Agrees)
    unnamed: I once met an incredibly player named unnamed, but I don't know if he plays or got banned
    Mr.Goodstuff: Gone
    Soa: Barely on
    ‡ •ßÅÇØÑ• ‡: Gone
    FR33 B4||IN: Gone
    Parerarescue /k/ommando: Gone
    Ryan James: Gone

    I don't want to add your name to the list Inthebutt.

    I won't have admin for much longer unless someone feels like buying it for me, since Inthebutt is gone. Hopefully Autumn will play and become one of the regulars and decent admins of the server, since I won't be able to. Apart from her there would be no one but Holy, who's usually inactive most the time.

    Also, I think epic balls of fail goes into the kids category.
    Last edited by Jeimuzu; 06-03-2009 at 04:47 PM.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  5. Default

    Yeah I mean it used to be that half that bunch we're on from time to time and when you saw there names on the players list you knew you we're in for a fun time, now its the opposite with the current batch I honestly dred playing with them.

    and llyod was always a blast to be around.

  6. Default Well thanks

    I miss a lot of all you guys i remember my first stepping in ther server waiting an ass load of time for the models to finish like i remember mastagunzs camping in the tubes with shotgun in winterfun or james making a epic cade. I miss the old times but it does change. I remember my 1 year or 9 month disappearance from z mod because i was playing another game mod. Also i was absent because of a really fun minigame server. I miss so many of teh regs though but i'm not down for the count. But what really confabulates me is what happened to the kid admin M.I.A. Slasher he was good. But i still don't know what the outcome of that poll though for slasher. But i am 11 to tell the truth no bullshit and i don't fucking break cades like other kids do. Also i don't use my mic i like to type for some odd reason. You thought i is dead but i is waiting to cook something up . Like pizza i don't know.
    Last edited by mastercheff; 06-03-2009 at 05:53 PM.

  7. Default

    I figure I'll come back around june 25th or so since thats when everyone will be out of school and maybe a few of the old regulars will be back, or it'll be just a fucking kid fest.

    till then its left 4 dead vs mode with babysport, gungame with toasties, and tf2 with xerocore and all my buddies over there and who knows by that time maybe neotokyo will be out as well or hell even black mesa (yeah right, but atleast im hopefull)

    I just hope that zmod will not continue to degrade like this, its gotten to the point where I'd welcome koolayed back just for some half decent competition and a villain that would drive all the fucking kids away.

  8. Default

    The ZM server really has lost alot of people lately.

    I spoke to holy last night and he thinks he is done with ZM as well

    The times have changed. Most of us regs know all the great spots on the maps are. Its gotten old. Its time to move on.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  9. Default

    i got a job now and i'm only home till august 20th and going spend time with freinds and family. If people need my help, message me.

    ill prob on be on zm 1-3 hours a week now... maybe more.

    Plus my younger brother might be on, but he's fairly mature and not an idiot.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kavinsky View Post
    I figure I'll come back around june 25th or so since thats when everyone will be out of school and maybe a few of the old regulars will be back, or it'll be just a fucking kid fest.

    till then its left 4 dead vs mode with babysport, gungame with toasties, and tf2 with xerocore and all my buddies over there and who knows by that time maybe neotokyo will be out as well or hell even black mesa (yeah right, but atleast im hopefull)

    I just hope that zmod will not continue to degrade like this, its gotten to the point where I'd welcome koolayed back just for some half decent competition and a villain that would drive all the fucking kids away.
    Kid fest.

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